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Content Boxes

Thread began 3/05/2009 2:58 pm by mike271728 | Last modified 4/07/2009 12:21 pm by kevin_d_allen182238 | 7443 views | 12 replies |


Content Boxes

By any chance is there a tutorial on adding content boxes using CSS Sculptor?

In the main content area I want to add a couple of nice content boxes side by side then the rest of the content underneath (or above in some cases) any pointers into achieving this?



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Ray BorduinWebAssist

Contents are handled in SiteAssist and would not be added to sculptor. If there is a particular page type or look you are going for, post an example... it could be added to site assist.

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Thanks for the reply Ray.

As an example take your NEW home page you have 3 boxes on it

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Basically that sort of idea. I wanted to use Sculptor to be able to control all aspects of colours layout rather than rely on Site Assist only.

Can this be done?



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Justin Nemeth

In sculptor, you could select a 3 column layout as a starting point, then adjust each column accordingly to the size you want. After that, add a custom div above the contentWrapper. This would give you a larger area above the 3 columns (or boxes if you make then equal width) and should give the basic effect like on the WA home page. The box tab is really powerful in allowing you to add and position custom divs to achieve a more complex layout like you want.

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Hi Thanks for the reply.

Heres another good example of what I meant:


This sort of site design is pretty common so an abilty to easily create these using wA Extensions such as CSS Scylptor and SA Pro would be fantastic.


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Ray BorduinWebAssist

The new version of Site Assist allows you to define your own page types.

You could manually create this content in a SA Pro site, and then save those contents as a page type to use in the future.

So you actually have the ability to add this feature if you own SA Pro, you just have to develop the page once (copy and paste that one if you like it).

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Hi Ray
I have SA Pro is there a tutorial on that way of working?



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Ray BorduinWebAssist

It should be covered in the help. It works like this, whenever you create a page with Site Asssist pro, it knows what your content area is on that page. So if you change the content, there is an option available to save that content. Once it is saved, it is available in the wizard. Should be pretty straightforward. Give it a try and let us know if you have any problems.

Just go to Insert->WebAssist->SiteAssist Pro->Create page type once you have created a page you would like to save and make available later.

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Ill try to explain it a bit here lets see open a new page on dreamweaver and click on the webassist tools for eric meyers CSS sculptor then select what ever layout you need on the first tab, then click the second tab "BOX".

There you will find a list look on that list for:

|---> Content

Now click over content and look for the button on the top that has a plus or Add simbol click over it and add under Content a new Div it would be something like this

|---> Content
.................|---> Div

Rename it to what ever you like i called it LeftBox.

Repeat again selecting the Content on the list and add a new one and so on until you are satisfied

check the picture attached to this post.

Ok after you got BoxLeft, Boxright, and BoxCenter add boxleft float: left this can be done at the properties options just below, you will find the option just after where you place the width and height also add a size example width: 200px height: 300 for BoxLeft.

Now select BoxRight, and do the same on width and height, 200x300, but select Float: Right.

And now select the last div you added wich we named BoxCenter dont add a size to it Dont!!!! just check down a bit more where you will see Margin & Padding, now here is the tricky part you have to play with the margin i placed all to 0px and the last one with is margin left i placed 200px example

Top: 0px Right: 0px Bottom: 0px Left:200px

ok done with that now click on padding and add what ever you need i placed 0px for all but u can play with it to make it look better, ok after this click on Design and add the backgrounds and settings to your need, also play with the size i placed all depends on how you want them look also depends on the size of the website i used the standard one by default to make the screenshot i placed here.

Good luck with it hope this helps :)

Pd forums needs a but of let us place codes like <strong> and shitz... and sorry my not so good english..

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damn sorry i forgot to mention and i placed the wrong screenshot its the same but i placed the names so u can understand box1 = BoxLeft, Box2 = BoxRight, Box3= BoxCenter,

also on the screen shot i colored the boxed on the design tab

Left = blue
right= red
Center= green

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