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Powerstore and email authentication

Thread began 4/22/2010 9:06 am by paul.urgero235355 | Last modified 4/28/2010 4:04 pm by Eric Mittman | 2878 views | 9 replies |


Powerstore and email authentication

I am having a major issue with the user registrations email verifications.

What I would like to know, is how do you do it with your hosting company? If most email servers require smtp authentication, then how do you setup PS2 to send email without authentication?

We have our own windows 2003 webserver, and the email server is also installed on it. We've tried all these methods:

1. From the webserver, using smtp, no goes to the users_Profile.php page fine, but no email comes through.

2. We setup a separate email server that does not require authentication, and changed the settings in PS2 to go to it. The Submit takes me to the users_Profiles.php page, but no email.

3. Using PEAR (and what a pain it is to figure out how to install not only the PEAR engine, but then the MAIL part) with authentication...we get open_basedir errors, even though it is not enabled.

Here's the interesting part...from the webserver, using Outlook Express with the smtp settings configured to use the settings from new email server, we successfully sent emails to accounts on the webserver, and out of it (MSN). But not from PS2.

Tech support has been trying to help me through a support ticket, and we've gone back and forth with information for about a week now, and since they haven't called me like I've asked, it is taking forever to get this fixed.

What I would like to know, is how do you do it with your hosting company?

Is anyone running PS2 on a Windows Server? If so, how did you set your open_basedir?


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Eric Mittman

We spoke on the phone earlier today and went through some various test scenarios with a testing script and the PowerStore. It seems that there is an issue with the php server in regards to the PEAR mail include file. For some reason the open base dir restriction error is coming up even though it seems that you have turned this off.

When we tried with the other server we did not get any sort of response, and when we tried to check the logs we could not find a association with the domain for the unauthenticated mail server.

I will leave this thread here for any others to reply to, in general having access to a mailserver that does not require authentication does not seem to be a common issue. I have personally implemented UE code on sever hosted sites and I have never had a configuration issue with it.

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As I mentioned to Eric in my support ticket, this issue has been fixed. And I am also not afraid to admit when user error rears its ugly head.

One of the test sites that I've created on my server is successfully sending verification emails. All these files are in their raw, unedited stage (except for the database and Connections files obviously). So this told me that it works on my server.

Somewhere through all the customizations, I must have changed one of the files somehow, in the WA_Universal_Email folder. I replaced the folder, and the users_Registration.php file, with the original files from the zipped PS2 download...uploaded them to my server, and successfully received the emails.

So the moral of the story is, if all else fails, replace the edited files with their originals.

Eric, thank you for all your help.

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Eric Mittman

I'm very glad to hear this, it would be interesting to know what exactly was different about the files that made it not work versus what is working now.

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I saved the originals edited files before I replaced them, and would be happy to send them to you to review. I wouldn't know what I'm looking at.

Let me know if you want them, otherwise, thanks again.


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Eric Mittman

If you can post back with the saved files and the new ones I could do a file by file comparison to see if I can quickly spot the difference. Not sure it it will yield anything but it would be worth looking at.

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Here is the WA_Universal_Email folder that I backed up before I replaced the entire folder.
I didn't keep a backup of the users_reg.php file. Not sure if this nixes the test.

Let me know what you find out.


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Eric Mittman

It is possible that the problem was on the users_reg page, but I will need to have the current copy of this folder in order to make the comparison. I think it would be worth looking into, if the issue were on the users_reg page though we would not find it by comparing these files.

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I hope I understood correctly. You said the folder...did you mean all the files in the root of the site? If not, here is the users_reg file.


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Eric Mittman

Maybe I'm the one that is confused on this. I was thinking that the files you were trying to use to begin with were not working. After backing these files up you replaced them with newer updated versions of these files and now everything is working, correct?

If this is the case I would need to see the the entire set of old and new files, I would then be able to compare the old version of the file with the new version to see what the difference is. If I have got it wrong let me know. If not, post back with the other set of files that you have used so that I can compare against these old ones to see what is different. It is not too big of a deal as I'm fairly confident all of the scripts and Server Behaviors are functioning as they should, it would just be helpful to know what was wrong with the files.

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