Hey Eric,
I am sure my explanation wasn't clear in the previous post. You said:
You quote above is exactly my goal.
You said:
I have a rs that filters all the entered values and that works perfectly. I do not have any problem with that. I have tested it and it is good to go.
Your quote below is where I will need help.
I can cover this last part in more detail with you but I think it would be best to have the other part in place, this will make it much easier to implement this last part. Please post back with any questions that you have about the query and getting the check of the recordset in place before moving onto the email password page.
Below is the custom check you provided.
PHP Code:
if(!isset($_SESSION['your var']) || $_SESSION['your var'] != 'the value of this var'){
header("Location: your_verify_page.php");
This check will make sure that if the user does not have this session variable set or it does not have the correct value the user will be redirected back to your verify page. You would need to fill in the parts about your session variable name, the value and your verify page.
This is where I need your help. Do I need to create a new session variable to replace 'your var' in the above quote? What will be the value of that variable? Kindly give me a step by step procedure to achieve this.
Thanks alot for your kind support.