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Web development tutorial

PHP hide field if empty MYSQL to MYSQLi

Tutorial created by The Flying Fox, Blue Heaven Designs

Categories: Data Bridge, MySQLi Server Behaviors, MySQL, PHP


Updating you MYSQL to MYSQLi

Creating hidden fields based on empty recordset fields

arrow downPHP hide field if empty

If you have updated to MYSQLi, you have made a wise decision.

But some of your code doesn't work, don't fret, there is always an answer

Step 1: changing hidden field from MYSQL to MYSQLi

You have hidden fields based on your recordset
Some fields are empty but you need to show the rest of the data. No worries

Your code should look like the following code:-

<?php if($row_recordsetName['columnName'] != "") { ?>
your data to be shown if field is populated
<?php } ?>

Just replace the first line of your code with the following:-

<?php if($recordsetName->getColumnVal("columnName") != "") {?>

It's as easy as that.


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