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Post Dreamweaver

Thread began 9/28/2014 2:58 pm by Patrice | Last modified 10/25/2014 5:28 pm by Patrice | 3618 views | 8 replies |


Post Dreamweaver

As many of us who refuse to buy into subscription based software, i.e. DW CC, what is WA plans to do stand alone extensions, especially for PowerStore and eCart? I am not going to invest into DW extension specific item much longer. I can't be tied down to DW forever, so I am hoping that WA is reading the tea-leafs and exploring a world beyond DW.

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Jason ByrnesWebAssist

Solutions like powerstore were our first steps toward offering 'Dreamweaver not Required' functionality.

We will continue to improve powerstore and providing other solutions under that umbrella, however we probably won't stop creating extensions and enhancing Dreamweaver through the use of extensions any time soon.

Instead we will do what we can to make sure our extensions are backward compatible with CS6 for users like you for as long as possible.

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Thanks Jason. I don't think I am alone in the group of your customers who will absolutely refuse to buy into the "rent" software from Adobe. It is an awful investment. I guess I didn't realize that PowerStore didn't need DW to exist. Is it because it is a server installed function? That makes sense, so then PowerGallery should fall into that category. Once you get rid of MooTools on Gallery and it can be a stand alone, that will be great. MooTools and jQuery don't play well with each other.

How about eCart? That needs DW to work though, right? Any chance eCart can go to stand alone at some point?

Thanks for the update.

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Jason ByrnesWebAssist

any of the solution packs do not require Dreamweaver, they are pre built applications that can be used without Dreamweaver

eCart is a Dreamweaver Extension and will require Dreamweaver to use. We do not plan on creating any extensions that will work without Dreamweaver.

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DW CC is just a case where you can't ignore or find an alternative. I also Use Zend Studio 11 as it offers many benefits that Dreamweaver lacks, especially for finding errors in your code. But I've yet to find the fast prototyping environment that DW with WA extensions offer.

I own the Adobe Master Suite CS6 so had a hard time buying into the subscription based CC model. But, there are benefits to having the latest software and since there are not currently any viable alternatives, you have no choice.

What's the alternative, wasting more time than you spend on the monthly fee? Or making more money by being faster and less encumbered by clinging to an old version that will eventually be too outdated to be of value?

At this point in time, Adobe's got us and fighting it is futile.

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@Steve: It's the principal of the thing for me. I have been a loyal customer of Adobe, even to the point of leaving Quark (after 10 years) for Indesign. I dragged my feet when GoLive died and I had to learn DW early days (3)... it was ugly, but I needed to keep working. All my sites are db based, so when I lost GL db features, DW was the only game in town... then I found WA. A life saver for tons of sites. But I won't stay with DW forever. I refuse to "rent" my tools. So I am hoping that WA finds a way to provide its tools as a standalone so when I dump DW, I can still use WA tools.

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@Patrice, I was a hold out as well. Been doing this long before GoLive as well as using some other extensions for DW that were from a Romanian company that Adobe bought up and then killed off (InterAKT). But you have to put aside your pride and sometimes admit defeat if doing so will allow you to work faster and have more time for other things (like building your company or spending time with family).

BTW, if your looking for an alternative, buy Zend Studio and learn to code from scratch. Then you can take your extension created code, build on it, and save it as snippets (effectively the same as an extension albeit a bit more manual). This will allow you to cut your ties with Adobe who are in it for the money as is any business.

One thing to consider is what if Adobe buys out WebAssist? I'm sure the partners at WA would be more than happy to sell to Adobe and then Adobe could kill them off also as they've shown in past precedent. Then you'd be back at square one, and hand coding via Zend, Eclipse etc.

Personally I think Adobe is focused on biggest bang for the buck and Developers are only fractional in comparison to newbs and hobbyists so they really don't care about databased pages or dynamic elements. If they did, we still see the means to work on aspx pages and the server extensions would not have been deprecated... So be aware that one day you may wake up and find DW no longer a viable developer tool much to the disappointment of people like you an me.

Since, I'm rambling, it would be nice to see Microsoft make Visual Studio PHP savvy. I also use VS 2013 and it has a number of benefits over DW and Eclipse/Zend Studio.

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@Steve: Thanks for your thoughts. Golive was several years after my first web adventures too. First was plain old hand coding (not too tough as back then, tables weren't even around yet). I can remember the first time I figured out how to put a .gif file on a text page! I was so excited! :-) This was in 1995 or so. I littered that page with butterflies, if I recall. Checking the way back machine, my first "commercial" attempt was November 1996. Talk about ugly stuff! :-) Pretty sure that was Pagemill or Sitemill; too long ago to recall. And, yes, I bought into InterAKT too, about 3 months before Adobe killed it off. So no love lost for Adobe in this office.

As far as your thought that Ray might sell out to Adobe, I'd like to think not. Just stubborn pride, if nothing else. :-) I doubt Ray reads all these ramblings, but if you do Ray, it would be great to hear your long term plans, i.e., life beyond Adobe.

And as for me and more time for other things, I have already built up my company, my kids are grown, and there is nothing I enjoy more than working and learning new stuff. It's my addiction of choice.

Thanks for sharing your thoughts.

A PS: The first coding I learned was working at a newspaper as a reporter and business desk editor. H1 was 72 pts, h2, was 48 etc. I didn't know it at the time, but it served as a solid foundation to writing css. It was always a great humiliation to mis code the type setting and have the press man roar into the newsroom holding a huge sheet of paper with content at 72pt and yelling "who was the idiot who did this!?" I only suffered that one once. :-)

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~~~~@Steve: But you have to put aside your pride and sometimes admit defeat if doing so will allow you to work faster and have more time for other things (like building your company or spending time with family).

Sorry, put aside my pride? I don't understand. I do not have do admit defeat at all. It is not about pride. It is about independence. I refuse to rent software and I hope that WA will find a way to move forward. As I mentioned earlier, I already have a solid company and family is not an issue since all are adults, etc. So not a solid thesis for giving into Adobe.

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