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msql php question

Thread begun 3/17/2009 8:57 pm by tlpirc372764 | Last modified 3/25/2009 7:20 pm by anonymous | 5913 views | 11 replies |


msql php question

This may be a stupid question, especially one coming from a newbie, but my background is in graphic design, photography and fine arts and though I am generally computer literate (I use SuSE linux as my OS of preference for personal use) I am not a programmer, I tend to get drowsy when flipping through the plethora of books I have concerning web development.
the programs I use range from PS to Gimp and Maya to VUE for my graphic design tasks, and though I have used server side webpage development platforms like dotnetnuke (I hate it) I am a WYSIWYG person, I HAVE to do everything visually.

After coming across sculptor and site assist I have found working CSS much much easier to learn chunk by chunk, but the MYSQL and PHP requirements for the developers suite intimidates me a bit, and I don't think my system can spare the resources for me to set up a local testing server and my networking skills to set my linux box to network with my windows box is practically nil.

If I use a host like yahoo where I can essentially use their control panel to simply set up mysql and php via a gui(setting root and password, etc) can I use programs like e-cart to set up the website locally within my dreamweaver site and upload it to the host server to have it recognized by the host's DB? I mean will ecart and data assist, security assist, etc generate the code necessary? Unfortunately I have a lot of clients who love the look of my static pages and are pushing me for something more dynamic, but some of you guy's ability to hand code blows me away...I am sadly not one who is able to code, but I can create top notch artwork.

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Buy David Power's book on working with php, mysql and dreamweaver. There is a very good walk through on how to get up and running with the three together. I also think there is a series of videos on the WebAssist site that effectively do the same, so have a look there first.

Once you've got the setup right, you'll need a gui like MySQL administrator or a better one is HeidiSQL (both free). The gui's help you to build a database without the need to know MySQL code.

In most cases you take a template you have designed and run the WebAssist extentions in DW... hey presto, you've built a website that is pulling data from a database in less than an hour without needing to know any php/asp/cf code. You're then able to alter then design if you wish.

There are funny quirks when applying the extentions, but as long as you follow the tutorial videos on the site, you'll be fine.

Overall the WebAssist software has been well worth the purchase for me.

As for building, you build locally and test locally, then upload your site to a live host. Running Apache, PHP and MySQL really doesn't take up that much computer resource. I have a midrange laptop that is four years old (40 gig disk, 2 gig of ram, 1.4 ghz chip) and that really doesn't even break a sweat when building websites, after all, you are working with small files that need to be downloaded/viewed over the internet.

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I second the vote for Dave's books.

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Ray BorduinWebAssist

The WebAssist database starter kit would also be helpful.

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Did this help? Tips are appreciated...


The database starter kit is very helpful. I used it and learned a lot but felt it stoped quite a bit short. But definately a quick learn and worth the price. Maybe one day they'll come out with Database Stater Kit continued???

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Joe Lowery

What else would you like to see, Grant?

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Hi Joe!

I'm going from complete memory as it has been a couple of weeks since I veiwed it.....

Complete novice talking here....I remember it got me to display data on a recordset page but I had no idea at the time how to move the data forward to a details page. I felt as though it just kind of dropped me there. It is sort of missing the connection between the recordset and the add to cart function in my opinion. I am a complete begginer and I am sure that some of the info you guys think is just common knowledge is unknown to me and because most of the terminology is greek to me, I need to have all the dots connected.

Further it helped me to publish the database locally but I still don't know how to physically get the database to my remote site. My pages on my local server work great, but when I try to see my pages remotely I get this error...

Warning: mysql_pconnect(): Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/usr/local/mysql-5.0/data/mysql.sock' (2) in /home/content/M/o/n/Montana4/html/industrygreetings/Connections/connIG.php on line 9

Fatal error: Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/usr/local/mysql-5.0/data/mysql.sock' (2) in /home/content/M/o/n/Montana4/html/industrygreetings/Connections/connIG.php on line 9

I assume that is some sort of error connecting to my database...??? I am guessing it is because my database hasn't made it to my remote server??? I don't know, and if it is the case I'm not sure how to get it there.

Sorry for all the rookie stuff, that was just my experience with it.

So, I felt as though it didn't help me to TOTALLY complete the process of building and deploying my database.

What IS important is that it does provide a ton of info for the money and delivers it quickly. AND these forums and the WA support have become world class. You just don't get support like this anymore....for anything!

Thanks for all and I hope my feedback has some sort of value.

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Mark Fletcher

Hello grantr281040,

Many thanks for your feedback on the Database Starter Kit for PHP we really appreciate it. Please find below comments on some of the points you raised.

Complete novice talking here....I remember it got me to display data on a recordset page but I had no idea at the time how to move the data forward to a details page. I felt as though it just kind of dropped me there. It is sort of missing the connection between the recordset and the add to cart function in my opinion. I am a complete begginer and I am sure that some of the info you guys think is just common knowledge is unknown to me and because most of the terminology is greek to me, I need to have all the dots connected.</Quote>

The aim of this starter kit is to provide learners with a general overview of using a Database with Dreamweaver. Whilst we could of included material showing how to integrate this with an “Add to cart” function, we felt that it would be better to cover eCommerce in a separate starter kit.

<Quote>I assume that is some sort of error connecting to my database...??? I am guessing it is because my database hasn't made it to my remote server??? I don't know, and if it is the case I'm not sure how to get it there.</Quote>

In general hosting companies enable a user to upload their MySQL Database using a Control Panel. The problem we found was that many hosting companies use different Control panels and whilst we did try and come up with a solution that would fit all users; for this first version of the Database Starter Kit we decided that we would focus on creating a connection on your local machine. Although this is an issue that we will try to cover when we next update the Database Starter Kit, for the time being I would recommend that you get in contact with your hosting company. They will be able to provide you with instructions on how to get your MySQL database on to the remote server.

With regard to the error message you are encountering on your workstation, I would recommend that you submit a support ticket using the web address I have included below. One of our support technicians will be more than happy to help you get over this hurdle.



Mark Fletcher | Training Manager | WebAssist

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I remember a similar experience when I had built my first MySQL website. I was used to building with the likes of MS Access and having a physical file that I could drag from one side of DW's ftp panel to the other. When it came to MySQL, I was damned if I could find the file to drag on to the ftp server.

Basically, there are two ways that I know of in which you get your MySQL db uploaded. The first is through phpMyAdmin which is hosted on your hosts servers. You log in there and simply paste the dumped MySQL code in to the SQL pane and click go... database uploaded. The second is use use something like HiediSQL which is a free GUI (google it). You log on to the remote server through the HiediSQL application on your local PC and paste your sql... remotely.

With HiediSQL, I build all of my databases locally, enter content into the tables and then build my sites. It's dead easy to build a site this way as you can see exactly what you're doing and you have content to test with. Once built, I export the database as sql, open it in wordpad, copy the dumped sql, use HiediSQL to log on to the remote server and simply paste the sql and click go (well, actually, it's a triangle, but you get my point).

It took me days to figure out how to get a MySQL database from my local PC to the remote server. Even if I have to upload with phpMyAdmin, I still use Hiedi to create the dump of the SQL in the first place. Hopefully I've helped, but if not, don't read this!

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Thanks guys I appreciate the feedback and hopefully since I am not much of a stranger to command line (when I first started linux I had to get a winmodem to work without drivers!) I won't have tooooo much of a tough time.

Also got a couple of the latest/greatest titles david powers books on the way...

I think my main concern is security with dynamic sites and migration concerns when hosts update their mysql or php code and whether or not this would affect the usability of webassist products or require an update of the website's backup to meet syntax requirements, I am sure it does in a way or two not much different than the odd compile after updating a unix or bsd type machine.

much appreciated guys...wish me luck 'bout to venture into new territory.

oh p.s. I have looked around the webassist site and haven't found the answer (though I must admit I tend to overlook the obvious) but what is webassist upgrade policy?
is it generous allowing an upgrade to a new version, slight discount, or is it Adobe style? The latter is horrible, seems their cycle is getting shorter and shorter and new tools which often can be released as an included update feature tends to call in a new this aspect one has to love the tools open source provides....I know my bank account does! (smiles)

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