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Help with user reg pack

Thread began 6/23/2009 12:05 pm by berndrendic374326 | Last modified 6/25/2009 6:23 pm by Jon Gibson | 4736 views | 7 replies |


Help with user reg pack

Guys please help me with this, i been trying to set this up for so long and i am still lost I asked a few people for help but no one can understand the instructions..

Here is where i get stuck

Instructions tell me that using MYSQL QUERY Browser I need to connects to mysql server ... which i do
Then next is a problem..... next bit is confusingll!
From the Schemata panel select the database you intend to add?????what database?
It does not say?
Yes I know what I want in my website I want user log in and register box ,,, but no I don’t know what I need to do here nor what to select here in schemata panel to get that

itried cuple of random things but it all resulted in error ...
I do understand all bits after wards but this one is the problem
I know that I am afterwards supposed to open that user.sql script provided in database and open it as script and execute it ....

but in my Schemata panel i have over 100 of things ??????

But there is no example in instructions, what to select in this case ... this part is extremely wage

please help me

I also do understand that i need to open that user.sql file after that in text editor and copy it and then in my php admin paste it to sql script tab

Please help me with executing part
Thanks in advance

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Jon GibsonBeta Tester

More Info

It sounds like you have connected to the schema that comes with the package when you need to connect to the database table. In PHP MyAdmin, you should see (at least) two tables - the schema and the actual working storage table.

Here is what I did to get my registration solution to work:
1. Download all files
2. Copy the .sql file to a storage folder
3. Open PHP MyAdmin
4. Create your database
5. Choose Import
6. Select the .sql file in the storage folder (or where ever you put the .sql file)
7. From Dreamweaver (or your coding solution) open the WA_Globals file.
8. Enter in the appropriate information.
9. Open the localhost.php file in the Connections folder
10. the part that I got wrong a few times is that I put in the wrong information for the $hostname_localhost and $username_localhost

If that does not help, then post specific information as to what program you are using, how your host is, name of your folder and how you are uploading the .sql file. I believe that the other problem may be that you are using the MySQL QUERY Browser.


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Originally Said By: Jon Gibson
  It sounds like you have connected to the schema that comes with the package when you need to connect to the database table. In PHP MyAdmin, you should see (at least) two tables - the schema and the actual working storage table.

Here is what I did to get my registration solution to work:
1. Download all files
2. Copy the .sql file to a storage folder
3. Open PHP MyAdmin
4. Create your database
5. Choose Import
6. Select the .sql file in the storage folder (or where ever you put the .sql file)
7. From Dreamweaver (or your coding solution) open the WA_Globals file.
8. Enter in the appropriate information.
9. Open the localhost.php file in the Connections folder
10. the part that I got wrong a few times is that I put in the wrong information for the $hostname_localhost and $username_localhost

If that does not help, then post specific information as to what program you are using, how your host is, name of your folder and how you are uploading the .sql file. I believe that the other problem may be that you are using the MySQL QUERY Browser.


Hey Jon,

Thanks so much for your reply , i find it so hard to get anyone to help me with this ...
1. Download all files
2. Copy the .sql file to a storage folder
3. Open PHP MyAdmin
4. Create your database
what do you mean by creating a database , is that what you call the next step importing sql file, or is it something else ,, if yes please tell me how do you do it

and when i try to import sql file i get this error ; #1046 - No database selected

also for part 10.
10. the part that I got wrong a few times is that I put in the wrong information for the $hostname_localhost and $username_localhost
I am using a wamp server and at the mo my web address is localhost/
so is it that what i put in the $hostname_localhost

and $username_localhost is it the same i used in wa globals in line 24
$WAGLOBAL_Admin_UserName = "what i used here" ;

thanks in advance

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Jon GibsonBeta Tester


No problem . . .

First, are you uploading to a server (to a hosting company like GoDaddy or ixWebhosting) or are you working locally?

If you are working locally:
1. Open PHP Admin
2. In area to the right you will see a spot to add a database. Type the name there and hit go
3. Select the database in the left column (left side of the page)
4. Click the Import button at the top of the window

If you are using a hosting company (live site):
1. You need to go to your MySQL Server and Add a Database
2. Then go to the PHP Admin and select the database you created in the MySQL Server
3. Click the Import button at the top of the PHP Admin
4. Navigate to your .sql file and upload

Let me know if that works.

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thanks i did manage to create a database table but having problem now with line 10

10. the part that I got wrong a few times is that I put in the wrong information for the $hostname_localhost and $username_localhost
I am using a wamp server and at the mo my web address is localhost/
so is it that what i put in $hostname_localhost

I used admin as a user name and password in wa globals is that what i need to put in here
$username_localhost = "admin";
$password_localhost = "admin";

bernd is the name of my database i created in php admin

so is the code underneath ok then ?

# FileName="Connection_php_mysql.htm"
# Type="MYSQL"
# HTTP="true"
$hostname_localhost = "localhost";
$database_localhost = "bernd";
$username_localhost = "admin";
$password_localhost = "admin";

do i edit the part underneath as well?????

$localhost = mysql_pconnect($hostname_localhost, $username_localhost, $password_localhost) or trigger_error(mysql_error(),E_USER_ERROR);

I keep getting this error msg ;

Warning: mysql_pconnect() [function.mysql-pconnect]: Access denied for user 'ODBC'@'localhost' (using password: NO) in C:\wamp\www\hfsss\Connections\localhost.php on line 9

Fatal error: Access denied for user 'ODBC'@'localhost' (using password: NO) in C:\wamp\www\hfsss\Connections\localhost.php on line 9

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Jon GibsonBeta Tester

Should Work

Try setting $password_localhost = "admin"; to $password_localhost = "";

I only used WAMP a few times and the error message about ODBC doesn't look good. I am not sure what the fix would be there but setting your password to nothing may make it work.

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Thanks Jon,

I ve got it working the problem was with part where you update conections

and here is the setting that works with user reg solution pack and wamp

$hostname_localhost = "localhost";
$database_localhost = "mysql";
$username_localhost = "root";
$password_localhost = "";

and password .... not needed to get it run

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Jon GibsonBeta Tester


Good luck!

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