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Which files on the server must I give permission

Thread began 6/02/2010 2:16 pm by info350379 | Last modified 6/07/2010 11:37 am by karen396145 | 1740 views | 8 replies |


Which files on the server must I give permission

Hello everybody,

I have a problem with sitesculptor. Everything went oke.
But when I want to set up the CMS on the live server I get a red cross at siteculptor. with the text "File Permissions
Files and directories cannot be created. Verify the Site Sculptor directory has write permissions on your server".
Please can somebody help me out on this. which files I must give permission and what I must write there?
Or must I do something else?

Thanks Art

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Justin Nemeth

The main directory you uploaded all the file into needs write permissions. The installer will take care of everything once you give the directory permissions.

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Thanks Justin, can you tell me what you mean with main directory (which package), because I uploaded a lot of files.
The write permission, which number I must give it to them all.

With thanks

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Justin Nemeth

The directory that you uploaded all the files to. So if you put all the files in to /sitesculptor, then give that directory 777 permissions. I don't know what your directory is called, it's whatever location you uploaded the files to.

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Hello Justin,

Fantastic service, It works!
I have some other questions according this product, Do you prefer that I make a new ticket for it?

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Justin Nemeth

Cool, glad its working. Yes, please make a new thread with the new questions you have so that it goes into the queue to be answered accordingly.

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500 Internal Server Error

I just did that, and now I'm getting an Internal server error.

Internal Server Error

The server encountered an internal error or misconfiguration and was unable to complete your request.

Please contact the server administrator, and inform them of the time the error occurred, and anything you might have done that may have caused the error.

More information about this error may be available in the server error log.

Additionally, a 404 Not Found error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request.

I was trying to solve my first problem, shown here: showthread.php?t=13594, but now I have this problem.

I changed it to 777 for the entire directory structure (all files and folders), but when I went back, it was still 755, and I was getting the 500 error.

What do I do now? I have to demo this site to a client tomorrow. Do I just delete everything and start over?


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Justin Nemeth

Not exactly sure, your other thread will be answered soon and someone will help get you squared away. I would double check everything uploaded correctly the server though, your other thread makes it sound like not everything was uploaded successfully.

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No, still getting a 500 error. I'm sure it's a permission problem, but I don't know how to fix it.

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