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children[j].tagName has no properties

Thread began 5/13/2010 1:48 pm by rochelle343865 | Last modified 5/21/2010 10:06 am by Jimmy Wu | 2741 views | 9 replies |


children[j].tagName has no properties

CSS MenuWriter v2.0.3
Mac OS 10.5.8

I am getting the error:
Error inspecting the selection:
Type Error: children[j].tagName has no properties

I can click the CSSMenu Writer button for "Edit Contents", but I cannot access the "Edit Menu" or "Edit Theme".

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Jimmy Wu

This looks like it may be an issue specific to your menu and how its set up. If you could send me the page that the menu is applied to as well as the CSSMenuWriter directory (zip up the file and directory) and attach it in the next response, that may be helpful in determining the cause of the issue.

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Jimmy Wu

Did you make modifications to the menustyle.xml after the menu was generated at all?

It looks like there is some extraneous code added to that page that is causing the error:
<!-- <font-weight>bold</font-weight> -->

There were several of those that were commented out in that fashion. Try replacing your current menustyle.xml with the one I have attached.

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OK that helped somewhat. But what I discovered is that the web designer I hired to do some other work completely eliminated the WebAssist CSS and made his own. Instead of using Dreamweaver templates, he used a file in an include tag to call another file with the hard code of the menu. I am sending you my header.php and index.php files. My question to you now is: Can I create the WebAssist CSS menus in the header.php file? This way I can eliminate the hard coded CSS that he wrote on the header.php page. I made one attempt at this and I got some error message about needing to be in the body tag. I appreciate your help!

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Jimmy Wu

The way to get the menu into the header would be to apply it to the body, which will add something like this to the body:
<?php require_once("CSSMenuWriter/cssmw0/menu.php"); ?>

Then you would want to cut that code and put it in the head. I'm not sure why you wouldn't be able to just keep the menu at the top of the body though. That's generally how it should be designed and that is why there's a restriction on having to have the cursor in the body to apply the menu.

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I'm sorry. Your reply doesn't make sense to me. Did you look at the files that I sent? I want to know if I can use CSS Menu writer on my current page called header.php. You will notice it does not have a body tag.

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Jimmy Wu

Sorry, I misunderstood what you were asking about. You could get the menu applied to the page by adding body tags to the page and then putting the cursor between them. The menu should be applied and you can take the body tags off after that if that's what you want.

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Thanks for the quick response. I will try it. May be a couple days before I can get to it. I'll let you know.

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Jimmy Wu

Ok, let me know if you run into any issues.

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