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PG blank page on XAMPP

Thread began 4/29/2010 5:57 pm by adamop11392849 | Last modified 5/03/2010 2:43 pm by Eric Mittman | 1343 views | 3 replies |


PG blank page on XAMPP

I have noticed that there is another thread where the same problem is reported but I don't see how the problem is solved and how.
I use DW CS4 and as a testing server XAMPP. I have installed PG in the server, using FTP through DW or copying the files directly in the root of the site. I run the admin and everything seems good till the preview, where I get a blank page till I get a server time out. The localhost runs normally and the data bases are created I have noticed also that a folder named '1' where are stored the photos of the PowerGallery/install/samples folder is created.
I have folloed the steps till the and and I tried to load the URL but I get the same blabk page.
Do I make something wrong?

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Eric Mittman

If there is a php error occurring on the page then you may need to enable php error reporting, you can do that by adding this code to the top of the page:



If you are just experiencing a time out or something like that then you will not see any errors on the page. What is the name of the folder that you installed PowerGallery into? Please post back with what the code looks like to include the gallery on a page in your site, and also the URL code for the gallery.

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Blank page when I run PG in XAMPP

I have named the folder of PowerGallery101 as ‘PowerGallery’. This folder is in the main root of my site i.e. where is and the home –index- page of my site. I run the site in XAMPP on my PC.
I run the Power Gallery using the url: PowerGallery/.
Fistly opens the administrator password page which has the url: index.php.

After the login, opens the page choosegallery.php,
where I have already created the Gallery 1, which has been created during the first running of the PG.
In the first installation I have followed the given steps, where it has been created this Gallery 1, using the images which are under the folder C:\xampp\htdocs\mysitename\PowerGallery\install\samples

When I go to the Manage Images
manageimages.php ‘,
I see all the Images which have to be included in the Gallery 1. The PG has created a folder named ‘1’ in this address: C:\xampp\htdocs\mysitename\PowerGallery\images
When I continue to the next step ‘Choose Design’ choosedesign.php
and I try preview -doesn’t matter which design- then I get a blank page. Let me say that I choose the design Grid+Fullsize then the browser get the url: index.php?gallery=1&theme=dark, but I get a blank page.
I went to the next step ‘Add to Site’ and I tried to run the url: index.php?gallery=1&theme=dark
and I have the same behavior.

Till now I didn’t include the PG inside any page of my site because I see that is not running, that’s why I didn’t include any error code in my page. I have seen similar instructions in another thread but I thought that there is no reason to include the PG in my site as the basic url index.php?gallery=1&theme=dark
doesn’t run.
The error I get is:
Fatal error: Maximum execution time of 60 seconds exceeded in C:\xampp\htdocs\mysitename\PowerGallery\mediarss.php on line 7

I have checked and I show that this folder ‘1’, exist also in the following address: C:\xampp\htdocs\mysitename\PowerGallery\galleries\grid_fullsize\1
Inside this folder there are the images of the Gallery 1.

Thank you very much for your help

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Eric Mittman

Thanks for the details. It sounds like there might be a path type of issue in regards to the setup of the gallery and the include links. I have opened a ticket for you on this so we can exchange some more details in private. To update the ticket login and visit your support history.


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