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Not able to add pages after install

Thread began 4/21/2010 10:59 am by info405361 | Last modified 1/26/2011 4:19 pm by reggie356178 | 2075 views | 6 replies |


Not able to add pages after install


I have installed powercms2 and ran the wizard, all green ticks and database created.

When i login and click the green + icon and enter the name of the content page / area (Home Page) and then click add the pop up closes and page refeshes but with no new content area in the left colum

Webpage error details

And IE shows the following errors >>>

User Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 8.0; Windows NT 6.0; Trident/4.0; SLCC1; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; .NET CLR 1.1.4322; OfficeLiveConnector.1.3; OfficeLivePatch.0.0; .NET CLR 3.5.30729; .NET CLR 3.0.30729)
Timestamp: Wed, 21 Apr 2010 17:56:18 UTC

Message: Syntax error
Line: 1
Char: 1
Code: 0
URI: Fuel.php.js

Message: Expected ')'
Line: 1018
Char: 48
Code: 0
URI: formcheck.js

Message: 'FormCheck' is undefined
Line: 259
Char: 2
Code: 0
URI: pages.js

Message: Object doesn't support this property or method
Line: 262
Char: 1
Code: 0
URI: mootools-core.js


I can login and logout and can see the database has tables etc but I just cant start add new content areas

Please help!

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Justin Nemeth

Looks like you are having the same issue as this thread: showthread.php?t=12143 Check out post #7 where Jason has a fix.

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I looked at the thread, but this seems to be with adding the dev code to the website page.

this cms is new to me and have only uploaded the file, ran the install that gave all green ticks. After loging in for the first time and clicking the Add content green + icon, the popup apears, i enter a page name (homepage) tick the template box then submit.

The popup closes but no page content apear in the left column.

We purchased this a solution and have followed the install doc and aslo watched the tutorial vid.

It does not work out of the box so to speak, and I need it to asap


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Justin Nemeth

Yes, one of the files will need to be edited and re-uploaded to your site as indicated in the above thread I was talking about. Post #7 gives the file and code that needs to be updated. Your server is setup in a way that this file is not being parsed correctly, so Jason's fix will help get the page working.

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roger276963Beta Tester

Getting urgent now

Hi again

I have been trying to get this cms working and without success.

I have followed post #7 by changing the js/lighter/Fuel.php.js file, change line 64 - 65;

This has not helped.

I'm now very lost and upset that this product from webassist does not work out the box even after getting all the green ticks during installation.

I'm not one for forums and preffer telephone / one to one support as forums are very good when not time is not an issue, but with conflicting reasons for the error and serveral try it and see fix's are time wasting.

Please, can I be pointed to a correct fix?

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Justin Nemeth

Please post a new thread so that it can go into the support queue and get looked at accordingly. I'm sorry you are having issues, but there are so many variations in server setups we do our best to try and cover as many scenarios as we can.


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Content page list not updating

I have a similar issue with adding content. I have PowerCMS 2.1.0 installed and got all green lights during install. I using Firfox and Safari browsers with the same results. When I login as super admin and click the green "+" to create content I get the Add New Location dialog as expected but after typing a page name in the name field and clicking Add, the Add New Location dialog remains (doesn't disappear from the screen) and a red "0" appears above the name field.

I'm able to close the dialog box using the red closing X corner. At this point no page name appears in the content list on the left. Refreshing the page however refreshes the list and the page name I entered is revealed. I've tried the code swaps and re-installs, etc. suggested earlier to no avail. Thanks in advance for your help.

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