OK, so we know that your server is running PHP5.6 (delete that phpinfo file now, it's not a good idea to keep it on your server). If your previous host was also running PHP5.6 and emails were being sent OK but still aren't sending from your new host, it's because you need to add those extra parameters they asked you to. Have you also added the SPF record to your domain?
Another reason the email might not be sending is if you have it set to come FROM the user's email. As you're sending mail via the server, you must make sure the "From" field uses an email address with a domain that's actually hosted by the server, otherwise it will most likely be flagged as a spoofing email. This will be why they've asked you to add the SPF record too, but best to do both. Set the "From" field in the send email box to your salaroche.com or .net email address so that the email is sent FROM you TO you - you can still include the sender's actual email address within the text of the email.
I've just set up a sample email script very quickly using your settings. I've also attached just the required email files & folders from the latest version of Databridge - you should unzip these to your webassist/email folder and upload.
The new code would look like this:
<?php require_once("webassist/email/WA_Email.php"); ?>
if (isset($_POST["SimpleContact_submit"]) || isset($_POST["SimpleContact_submit_x"])) { //WA Universal Email
$Email = new WA_Email("salaroche");
$Email->Redirect = "ESuccess.php";
$Email->From = "info@salaroche.com";
$Email->Method = "smtp";
$Email->Host = "relay-hosting.secureserver.net1";
$Email->Port = "25";
$Email->BodyFile = "webassist/email/waue_Contact_2.php";
if (function_exists("rel2abs") && $Email->Redirect) $Email->Redirect = $Email->Redirect?rel2abs($Email->Redirect,dirname(__FILE__)):"";
for ($emailGroup=0; $emailGroup<sizeof($Email->To); $emailGroup++) {
$Email->Subject = "Contact from website";
You would then remove the old script and file includes:
<?php require_once("webassist/email/mail_php.php"); ?>
<?php require_once("webassist/email/mailformatting_php.php"); ?>
if (!isset($_SESSION))session_start();
if ((isset($_POST["SimpleContact_submit"]))) {
//WA Universal Email object="mail"
$EmailRef = "waue_Contact_2";
$BurstSize = 200;
$BurstTime = 1;
$WaitTime = 1;
$GoToPage = "ESuccess.php";
$RecipArray = array();
$StartBurst = time();
$LoopCount = 0;
$TotalEmails = 0;
$RecipIndex = 0;
// build up recipients array
$CurIndex = sizeof($RecipArray);
$RecipArray[$CurIndex] = array();
$RecipArray[$CurIndex ][] = "salaroche@gmail.com";
$TotalEmails += sizeof($RecipArray[$CurIndex]);
$RealWait = ($WaitTime<0.25)?0.25:($WaitTime+0.1);
$TimeTracker = Array();
$TotalBursts = floor($TotalEmails/$BurstSize);
$AfterBursts = $TotalEmails % $BurstSize;
$TimeRemaining = ($TotalBursts * $BurstTime) + ($AfterBursts*$RealWait);
if ($TimeRemaining < ($TotalEmails*$RealWait) ) {
$TimeRemaining = $TotalEmails*$RealWait;
$_SESSION[$EmailRef."_Total"] = $TotalEmails;
$_SESSION[$EmailRef."_Index"] = 0;
$_SESSION[$EmailRef."_Remaining"] = $TimeRemaining;
while ($RecipIndex < sizeof($RecipArray)) {
$EnteredValue = is_string($RecipArray[$RecipIndex][0]);
$CurIndex = 0;
while (($EnteredValue && $CurIndex < sizeof($RecipArray[$RecipIndex])) || (!$EnteredValue && $RecipArray[$RecipIndex][0])) {
$starttime = microtime_float();
if ($EnteredValue) {
$RecipientEmail = $RecipArray[$RecipIndex][$CurIndex];
} else {
$RecipientEmail = $RecipArray[$RecipIndex][0][$RecipArray[$RecipIndex][2]];
$EmailsRemaining = ($TotalEmails- $LoopCount);
$BurstsRemaining = ceil(($EmailsRemaining-$AfterBursts)/$BurstSize);
$IntoBurst = ($EmailsRemaining-$AfterBursts) % $BurstSize;
if ($AfterBursts<$EmailsRemaining) $IntoBurst = 0;
$TimeRemaining = ($BurstsRemaining * $BurstTime * 60) + ((($AfterBursts<$EmailsRemaining)?$AfterBursts:$EmailsRemaining)*$RealWait) - (($AfterBursts>$EmailsRemaining)?0:($IntoBurst*$RealWait));
if ($TimeRemaining < ($EmailsRemaining*$RealWait) ) {
$TimeRemaining = $EmailsRemaining*$RealWait;
$CurIndex ++;
$LoopCount ++;
$_SESSION[$EmailRef."_Index"] = $LoopCount;
$_SESSION[$EmailRef."_Remaining"] = round($TimeRemaining);
$endtime = microtime_float();
$TimeTracker[] =$endtime - $starttime;
$RealWait = array_sum($TimeTracker)/sizeof($TimeTracker);
if ($LoopCount % $BurstSize == 0 && $CurIndex < sizeof($RecipArray[$RecipIndex])) {
$TimePassed = (time() - $StartBurst);
if ($TimePassed < ($BurstTime*60)) {
$WaitBurst = ($BurstTime*60) -$TimePassed;
else {
$TimeRemaining = ($TotalEmails- $LoopCount)*$RealWait;
$StartBurst = time();
if (!$EnteredValue) {
$RecipArray[$RecipIndex][0] = mysql_fetch_assoc($RecipArray[$RecipIndex][1]);
$RecipIndex ++;
$_SESSION[$EmailRef."_Total"] = 0;
$_SESSION[$EmailRef."_Index"] = 0;
$_SESSION[$EmailRef."_Remaining"] = 0;
if (function_exists("rel2abs")) $GoToPage = $GoToPage?rel2abs($GoToPage,dirname(__FILE__)):"";
if ($GoToPage!="") {
header("Location: ".$GoToPage);
Your form validations should still work with no need to update. You also don't have to rebuild any HTML as that has no bearing on the PHP code.
If you do the above, you should then be able to see and open the Send Email server behavior in the panel.
Do you use any database connections and insert/update/delete server behaviors? If you don't then you don't need to worry about connection files or updating any other server behaviors. If it's just the email contact form that isn't working, then the above steps should work for you. Keep a copy of your old page and files before making any changes though, just in case you need to roll back.