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Captcha Doesn’t Work After Migrating my Website

Thread begun 1/01/2024 11:45 pm by salaroche | Last modified 4/02/2024 3:21 am by Mags | 1476 views | 48 replies |


Captcha Doesn’t Work After Migrating my Website

Hi, after migrating my Website from HostGator to GoDaddy the Captchas in my Contact forms don't work. The blurred text no longer appears on the form. How do I fix that? Attached please find a screenshot that shows the error.

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Hi salaroche:

Perhaps provide the code for this form instead of a screen shot.
During this transition period, we (users) are trying to help one another and a screen shot isn't enough information.

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Hi Patrice:

Apologies for the delay in replying. Attached please find the code for the Contact form.

KIndly let me know what can I do to fix the problem.

Thank you for your attention.


Ps.: The Captcha is now showing, but the email Form is NOT sending emails.

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I can see you're using an old version of Universal Email - these files are obsolete:

<?php require_once("webassist/email/mail_php.php"); ?>
<?php require_once("webassist/email/mailformatting_php.php"); ?>

Make sure you have the latest version of DataBridge installed, then double-click the Universal Email server behavior, check all the details and then click OK. This should update the page to use this file instead:

<?php require_once("webassist/email/WA_Email.php"); ?>

Make sure you remove the two lines mentioned above, and upload the new files & folders that should have been created in the webassist/email folder.

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Thanks Mags:

However, I don’t see Universal Email as a standalone. I only see it included in Data Bridge.

Are you suggesting I upgrade Data Bridge?

Thank you for your attention.

P.s.: I have Version 4.0.0. of Universal Email. What is the latest version?

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Yes, you would need to ensure you have the latest version of DataBridge installed (2.3.5 released December 26 2021). It contains the updated version of Universal Email as well as all the tools needed to upgrade to mySQLi behaviors. Did you find out what PHP version your website is running?

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OK, if I download/install the latest version of DataBridge, will I have to re-build my whole website? Every single page?

I have Version 4.0.0. of Universal Email.

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You shouldn't need to rebuild it, but you will have to update any mySQL connections and server behaviors to mySQLi if you're using older versions that currently run on anything less than PHP5.2. It sounds as if your host is saying that you'll need to do that anyway as I suspect most shared hosting will only now offer PHP7x as a minimum. The good thing is that once you have the most recent version of DataBridge & mySQLi server behaviors installed, all you need to do is open the page, double-click on an existing server behavior and then click OK, and it will update.

Universal Email stopped being a standalone product quite a few years ago and is now part of DataBridge. Where are you seeing your Universal Email version number, as I can't see one even in the older files?

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Captcha Doesn’t Work After Migrating my Website

Hi Mags, thank you for your attention.

My Webassist Contact forms were sending emails perfectly well when I was hosting with HostGator, but now they're NOT sending emails anymore. The new webhosting guys say I have to enter these parameters for my contact form. Do you know where I can do that?

Setting What to use
Port 25
SMTP Authentication False, None, or turn off
SSL or Secure Connection False, None, or turn off
Server or Host relay-hosting.secureserver.net1
Add an SPF record2 -v=spf1 -all

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