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Dreamweaver CS6 and form builder

Thread began 5/17/2012 4:47 pm by Dave W | Last modified 7/03/2012 1:12 pm by Dave W | 8974 views | 19 replies

Dave W

Hi Ian,
I appreciate what you are saying and normally they do a very good job with updates.

I do seem to remember when I first started purchasing WA's extensions that they offered free upgrades for life (one of my reasons for coming to them in the first place), which seems to have disappeared off their site now!?

Just to clarify, I am not stupid enough to think that CS6 would work with everything straight out of the box and am still running CS5 alongside CS6 to resolve any problems that I encounter with CS6.
I just feel that WA, being an Adobe trusted partner would have had a lot of time before the release of CS6 to bring more of their extensions up to date.
They do seem to prioritise their larger (and more expensive) extensions, which to be honest, even developers like you and me (who could probably afford it, at a pinch) would find it an unjustifiable expense to upgrade to these multiple extensions having already purchased them individually.

I feel that their upgrade policy ($200/£126) considering that it would only include possibly one extension more than I already have (and probably didn't want otherwise I would have purchased it) is a bit excessive. Perhaps they should look at upgrades on an individual basis per customer, I know this would be time consuming, but it would probably save a lot of these comments in the forum, (and there are lots concerning CS6 in most of the extension forums on this site) and keep their customers happy.

Don't take me wrong, even though in my last post I said I probably wouldn't buy any more of their extensions, I probably will, if I need them, mainly because they do save valuable developing time. I used to write the code to do most of these things myself before I found WA, but as I say, time is everything in development now and to be able to cut that down means I don't have to charge my clients as much :-)

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