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Problem with IE6 horizontal menu

Thread begun 3/06/2009 3:36 am by neil349752 | Last modified 7/24/2009 11:21 am by Ray Borduin | 5272 views | 5 replies |


Problem with IE6 horizontal menu

Summary of a problem I had with IE6 and a horizontal menu that I posted about on the old forum.

The menu worked on IE7 and firefox but the background was not displaying when hovering over the menu on IE6, Simple text menu with backgrounds and no drop downs. Everything worked except the background which meant that on hover, the text becoming white as in the page background, appeared invisible. The missing background would make it show on the other browsers.

Not sure if this would be the best solution, but I discovered that if I changed the a ( setting from 'block' to 'inline' the background then worked, no clue why.

But then, being an inline element the height then failed to be adjustable, so the menu bar shrank to the text height. I messed around a lot with that until found a ridiculously simple solution, set a line height to 2 and voila!

Just goes to show how much I need to read those css books I bought!

I thought I also had an issue with IE6 not allowing auto width of the menu items to work, but it seems to be fine now. Also in case this is ever useful to anyone I discovered that if I changed the width settings as follows
width: 1px;
overflow: visible;
the auto width worked. But as I said I don't seem to need to do that now.

Those changes of course were in the menu_ie.css

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IE 6 problems

I've had problems also, looks normal with IE 7 but customers using IE 6 don't see it at all or have problems. For example IE7 will have horizontal menu buttons between the banner and the body and IE6 viewing will put it above the banner.

This is also true for SiteAssist. It will look fine in IE7 but images and areas will be pushed down and over. It is embarassing to have a client looking at it in IE6.

I really think that WebAssist should created a PDF that tells us what to look for. These are products that promise not to need special coding skills, but these problems are hard for non-coders and non-CSS experts to solve.

Had the problem with Site Assist and thought that Site Assist Pro would solve it but it did not. I'll also post this in the SiteAssist section.

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Ray BorduinWebAssist

Please let us know the url of the page you have problems with and we can look at it and offer suggestions. Most things should work properly in ie6, but often times we use an ie6 conditional css or .js to fix major discrepancies. It is possible those files aren't referenced properly.

Although IE6 popularity is dwindling, we are still commited to supporting it, so please let us know when you have issues and post the url demonstrating the problem. We will look into it and offer our advice and if there are issues we can fix we will.

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IE6 and CSS Menu Writer

Here's my latest site where the menus don't work in IE6. My reports show that 18% of my users are using IE 6 Here is the latest site that doesn't work I really think WebAssist needs to look at the CSS Menu Writer- IE6 compatability issue.

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Ray BorduinWebAssist

It appears you forgot to upload your IE css file:


Put that up to your server and it should improve.

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Problem with my site too

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Ray BorduinWebAssist

Same thing... you need to upload the file: /CSSMenuWriter/cssmw/menu_ie.css

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