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Script crashes internet explorer during upload

Thread began 12/06/2009 10:41 pm by J7HNW | Last modified 12/14/2009 11:35 am by Jason Byrnes | 4669 views | 7 replies |


Script crashes internet explorer during upload

Script times out

My Digital file pro works fine with small sized files.

On larger files - the script is timing out. The graphic showig the upload is working fine then it just goes to an internet explorer "pag can not be found " error so I assume the script has stopped.

How can I adjust the script please to run for longer ?

Page is attached

Tried the Web assist server timeout

// WA Set Server Timeout
set_time_limit ("180");

Nothing happened

So I Have added this to the script

// script dies after 600 secs

Still no difference.

Any help appreciated

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Jason ByrnesWebAssist

You also started another thread with the same issue. See the first thread you started for my replay:

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Please update


Please confirm code to extend upload time to 6 minutes and filesize to 6mb

Have tried to add the PHP examples you sent but to no avail


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Jason ByrnesWebAssist

There is no exact code change to be made for those settings.

to increase the upload file size to 6MB, you need to increase the

The post_max_size setting should be larger than the upload_max_filesize

to increase the script execution time, you need to adjust:

if there image resizing occurring, you will also need to adjust:

if you are resizing images, you should increase the memory_limit to 256M

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Lare file upload


Please advise where the changes should be made. Is it on the actual page or on a different page to control upload times and file sizes

I installed this for the server panel

// WA Set Server Timeout
set_time_limit ("180");

Where should I add the items you suggested. Sorry I usually work with ASP and know nothing of PHP - excuse my ingorance

Should it look ike this ?

// WA Set Server Timeout
set_time_limit ("180");
},{max_input_time ("180").
{max_execution_time ("180"),
{upload_max_filesize ("4096"),
{memory_limit ("256m"),

And should this be embedded at the top of the form ?



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Jason ByrnesWebAssist

These settings can only be changed in the php.ini file:

to change the max_execution_time in your script, add the following:


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Please advse

The server people have set the times as per instruction - but still the uploader stops after around 20 seconds on large files. Small files are fine.

They have asked if you can tell me which settings need to be changed

Here are the PHP settings, do you know what needs to be changed, each time we make a change we need to restart the web server.

Please advise - PHP info file attached

Ir starts to upload fine - but then IE8 goes blank and displays " Internet Explorer cannot display the webpage "

Thanks Jason

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Jason ByrnesWebAssist

It is impossible for me to know exactly what settings need to be adjusted. It depends on the size of the file you are trying to upload and how you have configured Digital File pro

maybe try increasing:
memory_limit 128M

memory_limit 256M

and :
upload_max_filesize 2M


upload_max_filesize 8M (or larger if you are uploading files larger than 8M)

max_input_time 60

max_input_time 300

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