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PowerStore 2: Need for taxable/non-taxable

Thread began 12/03/2009 7:40 pm by elton | Last modified 3/16/2010 2:11 pm by Jason Byrnes | 4106 views | 11 replies |


PowerStore 2: Need for taxable/non-taxable

Is there a solution available to provide the ability to

(1) mark individual products as taxable or non-taxable
(2) mark customers(users) as taxable or non-taxable

We do a lot of business with folks who need one or both of these options


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Jason ByrnesWebAssist

No, there is no solution to add this functionality to PowerStore.

You can use eCart to adjust the tax rules however.

Taxable, NonTaxable products:
you would need to add a column to the products table. For items that should be taxed, set the value to 1, or 0 for items that should not be taxed.

Using eCart, you need to edit the Cart Object to create a new cart Column. This cart column will get the taxable value from the database. You then need to modify the add to cart buttons on any page that has them, for example the product details page. Before you can edit the add to cart button code, you will need to temporarily simplify the WADAProducts recordset, find the following code:


if (isset(
$_GET['ProductID'])) {
$ParamProductID_WADAProducts = (get_magic_quotes_gpc()) ? $_GET['ProductID'] : addslashes($_GET['ProductID']);
$ParamSessionProductID_WADAProducts "-1";
if (isset(
$_SESSION['WADA_Insert_Products'])) {
$ParamSessionProductID_WADAProducts = (get_magic_quotes_gpc()) ? $_SESSION['WADA_Insert_Products'] : addslashes($_SESSION['WADA_Insert_Products']);
$ParamProductID2_WADAProducts "-1";
if (isset(
$_GET['ProductID'])) {
$ParamProductID2_WADAProducts = (get_magic_quotes_gpc()) ? $_GET['ProductID'] : addslashes($_GET['ProductID']);
$query_WADAProducts sprintf("SELECT * , (ProductStock - (SELECT Coalesce(Sum(DetailQuantity),0) FROM orderdetails INNER JOIN orders ON OrderID = DetailOrderID WHERE DetailProductID = ProductID AND OrderDate > ProductUpdateDate))*ProductLive AS NumLeft FROM products  WHERE ProductID = %s OR ( -1= %s AND ProductID= %s)"GetSQLValueString($ParamProductID_WADAProducts"int"),GetSQLValueString($ParamProductID2_WADAProducts"int"),GetSQLValueString($ParamSessionProductID_WADAProducts"int"));
$WADAProducts mysql_query($query_WADAProducts$localhost) or die(mysql_error());
$row_WADAProducts mysql_fetch_assoc($WADAProducts);
$totalRows_WADAProducts mysql_num_rows($WADAProducts);

and you will need to change it to:


$query_WADAProducts "SELECT * FROM products";
$WADAProducts mysql_query($query_WADAProducts$localhost) or die(mysql_error());
$row_WADAProducts mysql_fetch_assoc($WADAProducts);
$totalRows_WADAProducts mysql_num_rows($WADAProducts);

Now double click the eCart add to cart from recordset server behavior. On the bindings tab, bind the new taxable cart column to the taxable column from the products table.

After you click OK, revert the WADAProducts recordset back to the original code.

Now you need to modify the tax calculation in the eCart Object. For the Trigger use:

Number of Items with a specific column value:
If the number Of Items Where "Taxable" has a value of "1" is ">" a value of "0"

for the calculation:
Based on Items With A Specific value:
Total of "TotalPrice" where "taxable" has a value of "1" "times" "<tax rate>"

Creating tax exempt users will be a quite a bit more difficult since PowerStore does not force the user to register or login before checking out. Because they can checkout without logging in, there is the possibility that some orders that they place will still have tax applied regardless of the setting in the database. You will have to allert tax exempt users to this.

Again, it starts with adding a new column to the database. In the users table create tax exempt column, and set it to 1 for users that are exempt, and 0 for users that are not. Perhaps set the default value to 0, you can change to 1 at your discretion.

On the Login Page, you will need to use security assist to modify the Authenticate user server behavior. On the third page of the server behavior, you can select database column to store in a session variables, click the plus button and select the taxexempt column.

Now modify the tax calculation in the eCart object. you will need to add an additional trigger:

Based On Session Variable value:
If the Session Variable "taxexempt" is "!=" a value of "1"

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newly added field "taxable" not showing in dialog box

When I get to your instruction point:

"Now double click the eCart add to cart from recordset server behavior. On the bindings tab, bind the new taxable cart column to the taxable column from the products table."

...the new field is not showing in the box.

Obviously coding in PHP is not my primary job function. Photographing babies, teens, graduating seniors, and families is.

So, if you please...How do I get the new products.taxable field to display in the box. I am stumped at this point.

Thanks again for your help.

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PowerStore: Just Need way to pass non-taxable flag to PayPal Express Checkout

Jason, I just need a bit more help. The new field you suggested I add is done, but it does not show up in the behaviors pannel. What can I do to get it to populate so I can complete your fix recommendations.

Originally Said By: elton
  When I get to your instruction point:

"Now double click the eCart add to cart from recordset server behavior. On the bindings tab, bind the new taxable cart column to the taxable column from the products table."

...the new field is not showing in the box.

Obviously coding in PHP is not my primary job function. Photographing babies, teens, graduating seniors, and families is.

So, if you please...How do I get the new products.taxable field to display in the box. I am stumped at this point.

Thanks again for your help.  
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Jason ByrnesWebAssist

the new cart column is not showing? or the new database column is not showing? please be more specific.

a screen shot showing the problem may be helpful.

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Taxable / non-Taxable in PowerStore

Originally Said By: Jason Byrnes
  the new cart column is not showing? or the new database column is not showing? please be more specific.

a screen shot showing the problem may be helpful.  

When I go into eCart and Create the new Column, it just disappears when I exit the eCart... I am missing something I guess. I add the "Taxable" Column, mark it as integer and then click [OK]. but when I exit eCart and go back in ... it gone. I never get to the server behavior because it does not show up in the eCart (or the server behavior) after I modify the eCart Instance.

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Jason ByrnesWebAssist

make sure that the files in the WA_eCart directory are not set to be read only.

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That solved my problem

Thanks, that resolved the problem

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revisit taxable vs non-taxable for PowerStore 3

Hi Jason,

Can you provide the equivalent code fix for the PowerStore 3 product_detail.php. I tried to search for the code you provided for the PowerStore 2 version...but it has obviously changed since then.


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Jason ByrnesWebAssist

the WADAProducts recordset on the products_detail page for powerstore 3 is not as complex as it was in powerstore 2, you will not need to modify it to bind the cart object column to the WADAProducts columns.

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