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Sculpter won't load

Thread began 12/03/2009 3:12 am by info370785 | Last modified 12/14/2009 3:26 pm by jonathan309114 | 4395 views | 10 replies |


Sculpter won't load

I am getting this message when trying to load Sculpter:
While executing onLoad in wacs_wizard.htm, a JavaScript error occurred

I have ditched the mac cache and uninstalled and reinstalled to no joy.

I have just tried to add this extension after sometime of having no webassit extensions due to the number of crashes they prompt. A bit niffed.

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Jason ByrnesWebAssist

What version of Dreamweaver are you running?

What Version of CSS Sculptor have you installed?

Do you have any special characters, such as an apostrophe in your Macintosh hard Drive name, for example "Jason's Macintosh"? If so, please remove them.

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Response to software question

Thanks for your help
I have Dreamweaver CS4 & trying to load CSSSculptor205
My Mac is called: Macintosh HD

Hope this helps

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Jason ByrnesWebAssist

I would recommend deleting your configuration folder and reinstalling the extension. Please read this post on how to delete your configuration folder:


Let me know if you still have the issue.

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Sorry no joy

Deactivated the folder as suggested and uninstalled all extensions. Booted up Dreamweaver and tried to install Sculptor but got the same error message:
While executing onLoad in wacs_wizard.htm, a JavaScript error occurred

Are we into a reinstall of Dreamweaver? I have had to do this a couple times before to get success with installing the WA extensions.

I am concerned that when I open Extension Manager from applications I get what looks like a Germanic language version. When opened from within Dreamweaver English. This suggests an issue some sort but is it likely to have any impact?


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Jason ByrnesWebAssist

This suggests that there is an issue with the installation of the Extension Manager. I have seen a problem similar to this a couple of times. Basically, in your case, the extension manager is installing into two places. When you double click an extension and open the extesnion manager that way, it is not actually installing into Dreamweaver Only when you open the extension manager through Dreamweaver does it install the extension in Dreamweaver. To resolve the issue, you will need to contact Adobe support.

Untill you have resolved the problem with the extension manager, you will need to manually perform the install or uninstall of extensions to make sure you are using the correct one. The correct one is the one that you open through Dreamweaver.

try renaming the configuration folder once again. Then open the extesnion manager through Dreamweaver, close Dreamweaver before proceeding, then remove the extension, once removed install them again, this will ensure that the new installation is actually effecting Dreamweaver.

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Same issues...

Good day Jason and EVERY ONE else that can help with this...
I have been having the same issue with ALL my extensions.

I purchased the SS in January and have been using almost all if not all
of the extentions fine. But Sat I sat down at my Mac to hammer out a
quick site and when I opened it it THROUGH UP all over my screen...!
I got error after error....All having something to do with couldn't find
files... I have deleted the entire super suite and re install it from FRESH
down loads as well as uninstalling DW cs3 and reinstalled it... and I have
only installed CSS sculptor and site assist... And now when I open DW
no error.. but as soon as I click on CSS S. or Site Assist.... I GET PUKED ON
again. I have followed the instructions on technote...ion_issues.pdf twice... to check myself... and STILL have the issue...
What caused this? seams like I have read a few post on it and they all read the same...
All was fine then I opened it and POP! error heaven fell on my screen..
I spent a good penny on Adobe suit and a GOOD penny on the Super Suit (NOT ON SALE!!!!) so... I NEED HELP WITH THIS! This is my lively hood and I (like others) NEED THIS FIXED FAST!

PLEASE HELP!!!!!!!!!

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Jason ByrnesWebAssist

To be able to offer assistance on this, I will need to know the text of the errors you are getting.

Can you please send some screen shots of the errors so I can get an idea of what the cause may be.

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Error inserting CSS Sculptor 3

I just purchased the upgrade for CSS Sculptor 3. I am running Windows 7 and using DW CS4.

When I try to insert the CSS Sculptor into a blank html page I get the following error message:

While executing onLoad in wacs_quickinsert.htm, the following JavaScript error(s) occurred

At line 145 of file "C:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe\Adobe Dreamweaver CS4\Configuration\Commands\wac_quickinsertjs" has AutoSave is not defined.

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Jason ByrnesWebAssist

Things to check:

1) Have you defined a site?

2) Create a new file and save it to the site you defined. have that page open in Dreamweaver before you create a new CSS Sculptor layout

3) before installing the upgrade, did you uninstall the previous version? before installing a new version of an extesnion, you must always uninstall the previous version.

If you installed over a previous version , p,ease follow step 2 on the following page:

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