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Everything appears perfect but images not uploaded.

Thread began 11/30/2009 2:09 am by tim295971 | Last modified 12/15/2009 2:22 am by tim295971 | 2012 views | 4 replies |


Everything appears perfect but images not uploaded.


Having carefully read all posts on this subject I have not found a solution. Here are my details. I have replace the proper url and site name with mysite for obvious reasons.

Global settings
$WAGLOBAL_Root_URL = "" ; //Absolute path to your site folder.
$WAGLOBAL_Site_Name = "My Site" ;

$WAGLOBAL_localRoot = "/"; //relative path to your PowerCMS files on your local testing server.
$WAGLOBAL_remoteRoot = "/"; //relative path to your PowerCMS files on your remote server.

//iRite Images upload settings
$WAGLOBAL_Images_Folder = "cms_images/"; //relative path to your images folder.
$WAGLOBAL_Swf_Folder = "flash/"; //relative path to your swf folder.

More info:
The process appears to work as I can login to admin, edit content, select insert image, use upload tab, browse to file, click send to server and get image uploaded successfully message.

The image does not appear in the admin WYSIWYG editor but the path if you look at the source is correct. Eg. <img src="" alt="">

The website also reveals the same path in source. So this does not appear to be a path issue.

The folder permission appears to be 777.

There are no new folders or image files appearing in the root, above the root or nested in folders that I can find.

If I manually upload the image to that folder by ftp then it appears on the site in the correct place.

Everything else works perfectly. I'd really appreciate some help.

The site is live and the client is completely happy except for this one issue. I would rather send live site details to support privately if required.


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Eric Mittman

It looks like you are not having an issue with the paths themselves so I moved your post to a new thread. I have opened a ticket for you so that we can exchange some more info, to update your ticket please login to the site and visit your support history.

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What happened to my post?

Dear WebAssist

I posted a reply here explaining that PowerCMS can't work on EasySpace premium shared accounts.

Has it been moderated out?

I think it is essential information to prevent anybody else trying to use your system on an Easyspace shared hosting account isn't it?

Best regards

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Eric Mittman

The post that starts this thread was originally posted as a response to a different thread. I had moved it to a new thread as it did not seem to be an issue related to the original post in the other thread.

I have not deleted any posts from this thread so I'm sure the post you made is still around somewhere. If you posted to a private support ticket this would not have made it back to this forum thread. Feel free to update this thread with any relevant info about your experience, I'm sure that others would benefit.

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An important note if you already have a hosting plan with Easyspace

I have discovered that unfortunately the PowerCMS product (which I really like by the way) cannot work with a Platinum Business Shared Hosting account at EasySpace in the UK. Even though it appears to meet the requirements.

It is due to the fact that public users cannot get permission to access the temp folder. This applies to all account holders according to EasySpace tech support. The PowerCMS system needs to upload images to that directory before copying them across to the relevant directory in your web space.

If anybody needs more info I can post the WebAssist and Easyspace support dialogue.

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