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What Problem Did the New Forums Solve?

Thread begun 3/04/2009 8:46 am by johnlanglois | Last modified 3/18/2009 12:26 pm by Ray Borduin | 6750 views | 13 replies |


What Problem Did the New Forums Solve?

Given the overwhelming negative response to the new forums, based primarily on the loss of previous information, I have to ask "what problem was solved" by going to the new structure?

Surely there was something other than aesthetics that drove this decision.

Not only does this change force everyone to start over, it wrecks the Google indexes of common problems.

Now when I can't remember the tweak that iRite required or how to fix the screwed up Session ID in DFP, I can't query a previously solved problem. I have to re-invent the wheel.

That being the case, I might as well invest time in utilities that appear to be more permanent.

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Joe Lowery

On the contrary, John, the only negative response to the new forums has not been including access to the old forums - which, as I've stated, we're looking in to.

The vBulletin forums are vastly more powerful than our previous ones and the restructuring of them to individual forums makes it far easier to post issues and find answers. There is also a good deal more moderation control; I can, for example, easily make a thread sticky for all to see.

We hope you'll stay our customer, but you're certainly free to pursue another course if you wish.

Best - Joe

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Ray BorduinWebAssist

We really want to move all of that old content to the new forum. What is the question you are looking for? Simply ask it again and the answer will be in the new forum soon!

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Why not leave us the old forums as a non posting forum like you did with the previous forum that way we can still use them for research.

They contain such a wealth of knowledge in there.

Im one of the lucky ones I used a Newsreader so many posts I still have regardless one of the very positive reasons for using a Newsreader.

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Request content from old forum to be moved to new.

Originally Said By: Ray Borduin
  We really want to move all of that old content to the new forum. What is the question you are looking for? Simply ask it again and the answer will be in the new forum soon!  

I have the Super Suite plus SiteAssist Professional. I'd like to see a thread on the work flow order for a dynamic e-commerce website for digital goods. I have all these extensions, but right now they are individual modules to learn. I can't visualize the process to be followed to get the site going. I remember a thread from last year which shows the process. Might also be a good idea for one of your tutorials or receipes, since you market to non-coding people.

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Ray BorduinWebAssist

There is a digital goods tutorial included with Digital File Pro I believe. Have you had a chance to look at that yet?

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Sure did, and I've read and looked at all the other tutorials, recipes, pdf's, etc. What I can't see is in what order do I use all these tools to design and post my web site. By tools, I mean the individual extensions: SiteAssist Professional, CSS Sculptor, Menu Writer, eCart, DataAssist, SecurityAssist, Validation Toolkit, Cookies Toolkit, Universal Email, Dynamic Dropdowns, and Surveyor. I have all the design stuff done, including what is needed for the relational data base, but I don't have a clue as the order of the workflow I need to follow to transfer my plans using your software into a functioning web site.

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Ray BorduinWebAssist

The order won't really matter, but it is usually easiest to follow a user experience and apply them linearly. That is follow the clicks an end user might and get it working one step at a time.

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This started out as a request to move an item from the old forums to the new forum. I found the item I was looking for in the old forums. It was from Mark Haynes in September 2008. It gives a nice summary of which WA extensions to use in the work-flow order. That is what I was trying to get across in my previous posts in this thread. I'm sorry I couldn't describe what I was trying to accomplish well enough for you to understand my question.

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Ray BorduinWebAssist

If you find a valuable post in the archive, please copy and paste the contents here to make sure that valuable information eventually makes it to this forum as well.

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