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Can Someone please run Ecart checkout wizard for me to use pay pal advanced payments please

Thread began 5/06/2024 8:25 pm by Jay Core Global Media | Last modified 5/15/2024 1:11 am by Mags | 302 views | 11 replies |

Jay Core Global Media

I need Ecart checkout wizard pages for PayPal advanced payments

Can Someone please run checkout wizard for me I get javascript errors when trying to run checkout wizard using pay pal advanced payments ive used 3 different computers and get the same result I can give you the details of the request please. I just need the pages created from the check out wizard.

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I'm not an expert eCart user (only built one eCart site quite a few years ago) but I have the most up-to-date version installed so if you send me the details of what you need I can give it a try!

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Jay Core Global Media

I appreciate it!!! I provided site folder I have some notes in there under file read me Mags. Am pretty sure it will be easy for you to define site install DB Etc. then run the checkout wizard. I have all the details in read me Mags.php file. Please feel free to ask any questions, I think it should take you less than ten min to see if the wizard is going to error out. I have the newest Ecart also I can run the checkout wizard with every payment provider without problem. However, I need pay pal advanced payments checkout pages, and the wizard give me a javascript error.

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I ran the wizard but I got two errors and it didn't complete - see attached screenshots of errors. Is this what you got too?

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Jay Core Global Media

I do not see the screen shots Mags.

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I had ticked the private attachments box, which should mean they are viewable only by you, me and WebAssist employees but maybe it's not working properly. Have unticked the private box so hopefully you can see them now.

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Just to let you know I have two versions of DW installed (2020 & 2021), tried to run the wizard on both but it failed with the same error. I also tried uninstalling and reinstalling eCart and trashing the preferences file but still the same error. I wonder if this is something that one of the ex-WA employees might be able to debug? Patrice may be able to forward this to someone.

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I reached out to Justin. Just so everyone knows, he is answering when he can out of kindness to our community. Be patient.

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Jay Core Global Media

Thank You Patrice any chance you have the PayPal advanced payments checkout pages? If I just have those am pretty sure I can integrate them in my project. Thank you

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Jay Core Global Media

Thank you for taking the time to do that . Yes that line 710 error is the error am receiving I uninstalled reinstalled and tried multiple computers it is defiantly a bug when using checkout wizard and advanced PayPal payments.

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