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Image Verification clarity issues

Thread began 9/24/2009 3:08 am by bernardkane381926 | Last modified 10/16/2009 11:17 pm by bernardkane381926 | 3273 views | 6 replies |


Image Verification clarity issues

I have now got the User Registration Pack Working more or less as it should. However, the image verification is very hard to read - not like the one in this "Post a New Thread" page. How can I change this so that it is more easily read - i.e. clearer like above.

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Have a look at:
CAPTCHA Settings in:


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Image Verification

Thanks for the link but I am frightened I may do something which makes the situation worse. For example the link shows $WAGLOBAL_Captcha_Noise = "FFFFFF" ; Specifies the hexadecimal code for the distortion used over the Captcha characters. Note that the “#” character is not included. I have no idea what the "FFFFFF" should be changed to to reduce the noise. I am assuming that all these changes are made in the WAVT.CaptchaSecurityImages.php file. I would really like to have something like the one used for this form but need some guidance. Can you help please as I am losing customers who get fed up with not being able to read the code and then have to redo the registration submission.

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Ray BorduinWebAssist

You can change the frequency of the noise with:


The default frequency is 50 and it can be 0-99 (although if it already has too much, you would want something less than 50)

If you give us a URL where your page is I can experiment and find good settings for you.

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Image Verification clarity

Thank you that would be helpful. The url of the page is users_Registration.php. Could you also give some suggestion regards the background and text colours.

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Ray BorduinWebAssist

These are all of the configurable values and their default values:

width = 120
height = 40
characters = 5
bgcolor = FFFFFF
textcolor = 000000
noisecolor = 000000
font = Fonts/MOM_T___.TTF
field = 1
transparent = 0
bgimage =
gridfreq = 50
gridcolor = 000000
gridorder = behind
noisefreq = 50
noiseorder = behind
charheight = 75% of height

On your page you have an image src of:


most of these are the defaults, so you might as well just have:

If you want to have less noise you can do something like:

If you want to change the background color to red you would use:

and if you want to change the text color to green you could use:

Hopefully you get the point... you can really configure just about anything... click the links to see the full path and example result from your site.

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Image Verification

Many thanks Ray - most helpful

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