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count AS with group by causing error locally

Thread began 3/02/2023 4:39 am by s.joiner74419001 | Last modified 8/23/2023 4:39 am by s.joiner74419001 | 706 views | 8 replies |


count AS with group by causing error locally

Hi Ray. First and foremost I hope the treatment is going well. No urgency with this but i have an issue with a query that is working on our remote server but fails the page with a 500 error on the local server. I have tried to set PHP version the same on both.
The query is as follows:

$rsPayments = new WA_MySQLi_RS("rsPayments",$RTMFi,10);
$rsPayments->setQuery("SELECT registered_apps.acc_id, registered_apps.rtm_status, registered_apps.members, application_pcd.date_of_app, application_bi.premises_name, Count(consented_leaseholders.entry_id) AS Countentry_id FROM registered_apps INNER JOIN application_pcd ON registered_apps.app_id = application_pcd.application_id INNER JOIN application_bi ON application_pcd.application_id = application_bi.applicant_id LEFT OUTER JOIN consented_leaseholders ON application_bi.applicant_id = consented_leaseholders.app_id WHERE consented_leaseholders.fee = 'Unpaid' AND registered_apps.product_type != 'CCO' GROUP BY application_bi.premises_name ORDER BY application_pcd.date_of_app DESC");
The databases are the same remotely and locally...

I’ve attached screenshots of phpMyAdmin settings for both remote and local servers.

Any idea what’s causing it to fail locally only?

Thanks in advance!

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Ray BorduinWebAssist

A 500 error is a general error that means "I'm not showing you the real error".... add this to the top of the page:

Then you might get the full error that will point you in the right direction.

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Hi Ray, I've put error result in a pdf. See attached.

Any ideas on this?

Many thanks

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Ray BorduinWebAssist

This one is the error:
Fatal error: Uncaught mysqli_sql_exception: Expression #1 of SELECT list
is not in GROUP BY clause and contains nonaggregated column
'db_rtmf.local.registered_apps.acc_id' which is not functionally
dependent on columns in GROUP BY clause; this is incompatible with
sql_mode=only_full_group_by in /Users/stevenjoiner/Sites/
rtmf_root_151122/webassist/mysqli/rsobj.php:221 Stack trace: #0 /Users/
mysqli->query('SELECT SQL_CALC...') #1 /Users/stevenjoiner/Sites/
rtmf_root_151122/admin/index.php(38): WA_MySQLi_RS->execute() #2
{main} thrown in /Users/stevenjoiner/Sites/rtmf_root_151122/
webassist/mysqli/rsobj.php on line 221

It explains why it would work on one server and not another. There is a database setting preventing the SQL statement you are running. You can probably just update that setting if you have control of the server, or update the SQL statement to be compatible with that setting and it would still work on both.

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HI Ray, Really hope surgery went well for you. Not sure if and when your back working so ill just pose my question and look forward to hearing from you soon.
Basically just simply would like some guidance on how/what and where I would update the database setting for this to work. Its a bit beyond my scope.

Best regards

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Just to update this feed as I have managed to resolve the issue using ChatGPT ,Bard and Stack overflow.

I had to adjust the my.cnf file located here:

TOP MENU - file/open template/MySQL(my.cnf)/5.7.39

The in the file add the line - sql_mode="" .. to the [mysqld] section as follows

# The MySQL server
user = MAMP_system_user_MAMP
#port = 9999
socket = /Applications/MAMP/tmp/mysql/mysql.sock

My SQL Query in #1 post above now works!

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Joe Lie

Hi Ray, I hope your treatment is going well. Regarding the query issue, it's interesting that it works on the remote server but fails with a 500 error on the local server, even though you've set the PHP version the same on both. It seems like a specific case that requires further investigation. By comparing the screenshots of the phpMyAdmin settings for both servers, you might be able to identify any discrepancies that could be causing the local failure. It could potentially be related to a value engineering case study that examines the differences between the servers and helps uncover the root cause. Good luck with resolving the issue!

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Ray BorduinWebAssist

This is a database server setting and not a web server or version issue. Some database settings can be configured differently on different servers.

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