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Ajax and Javascript Issues

Thread begun 8/21/2022 1:35 pm by yogastudents362523 | Last modified 8/24/2022 10:14 am by Ray Borduin | 556 views | 10 replies |


Ajax and Javascript Issues


I have created a 3-part Country/Region/City menu set that works well upon the page.
As soon as an individual selects a country (USA) on the country menu, then the next menu immediately opens up with all available US States. And then as soon as the person selects California, the City menu populates with all citities in California, and they can select "Carlsbad". I found databases to drive it and linked them together, and this now works all over the world.

However, because I do not know any Ajax or Javascript, I am unable to work out (from the pieces of code I picked up in various locations off the Internet) how to get the chosen country, region, and city to enter my database when the submit button is pressed.

I have placed the URL for a working page in the upcoming private area, and also attached the files that make it work.

I will convert them all into friendly webassist format and queries because those are reliable, but I have at present left all the coding alone as I found it, and graduallyh engineered it together to make everything work.

I will understand if you do not have the time or inclination for this, and will then simply revert to my previous method of getting everyone to simply write in the necessary information. But as I think you can see, the demo page is simply slicker and more bulletproof, and works for all countries, regions, and citiies worldwide.

Thank you.

But I am unfortunately unable to take the final step.

I am again looking for the method to gather up the data in a form, and submit it to the database, and preferably through your mySqli Update routines. Thank you.

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Ray BorduinWebAssist

Just give your <select> elements a name attribute and then they will be included in a form submit just like any other form element.

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Thank you.

I again feel idiotic. The first thing I tried was using the select names, but they had id="somename", which I thought was sufficient. I have now gone and given them all the name="somename" attribute.

That of course only inserts the id numbers into the table, but that is an easy fix with a "before page load" query on the one I load immediately after.

Thank you

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I am now having trouble with a follow-up page, which should allow Presenters to update their information, but using these same dependent menus.

I have used the following code snippet on that page, and it works well enough in that it sets the first field in the dependency set, of Country, to the correct value:

<option value="<?php echo $row['id'];?>" <?php if(($rsAllPresenterData->getColumnVal("CountryID")) == $row['id']) echo ("selected");?>><?php echo $row["name"];?></option>

However, neither of the two succeeding dependent fields works. And nor does it matter if I adjust the option strings to correct values.

I have tried all sorts of tricks with queries and cookie and session variables, but am beginning to suspect that it is not possible in PHP alone.

Is there any way that either Ajax or Javascript would allow all three fields to load up the current values, yet still allow the dependency menuing system to work properly? Or should I just give up and let people hand-correct if they need to? I would prefer to avoid that, however.

Thank you.

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This post has been deleted.


I thought I had found a workaround. But it in fact deletes the relevant data.
So I deleted the last post.

Still searching for an updating solution.
Thank you.

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Ray BorduinWebAssist

I think I need to do screen sharing with you to figure this out at this point... or at least give me a url and steps to reproduce your issue so I can see what you are working on and what is and isn't working correctly. I'm sure it can be done, but I'm not sure where exactly you are going wrong.

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Thank you.
I will try you tomorrow, Tues, after 2:00 pm.
I will also upload my efforts.

Must go

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(Apart from a very minor wrinkle)

I now have a working system.
It is probably very clunky in your eyes.

I load the first page given in the underneath URL.

That then allows Presenters to use the descendent menus to choose a new Country, Region, and City.
When they hit "Update", the ID values are placed in the fields NewCityID, NewCountryID, and NewRegion1ID.

Pressing the update button also immediately takes Presenters to the followup page (also given underneath).

That page then has 9 MySQLi scripts as follows:

UPDATE presenter_data
SET presenter_data.CountryID = presenter_data.NewCountryID
presenter_data.NewCountryID IS NOT NULL);

UPDATE presenter_data
INNER JOIN countries ON ( presenter_data.CountriyID = )
SET presenter_data.Country = cities.`name`;

UPDATE presenter_data
SET presenter_data.NewCountryID = NULL
presenter_data.NewCountryID IS NOT NULL);

I then repeat each of those in separate MySQLi queries for Region1ID and CityID.

This may be a long roundabout way, and it is probably more elegant with Javascript and/r Ajax, but this is now working.

Thank you.

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Need way to reload/refresh page


The minor wrinkle is that I need to find some way to refresh the page when I am done.
I am sure there is a method using either PHP or Javascript.

I will look at some of your other extensions to spot the way you do it, when I have time later.

I have to go and teach right now, so it will have to wait.

Thank you so much again for your tools.

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