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contact form (non-) submission

Thread begun 7/02/2022 4:58 am by yogastudents362523 | Last modified 7/04/2022 11:55 am by Ray Borduin | 542 views | 9 replies |


contact form (non-) submission


(A) Situation now is that every time I hit submit on contact form, it insists there is an input error to the second security question.

(B) But when submit button WAS previously working, the arriving emails failed to include trial text placed in textarea on contact form.

Thank you.

(location and ftp details in private area of upcoming reply)

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Info underneath, thank you

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Ray BorduinWebAssist

The session wasn't starting properly. I fixed the issue by adding a @session_start() call on line 8. It seems to be working now.

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text area data was still not arriving

so carefully downloaded your file to examine it.

also added following lines
$Email->Redirect = "contact_success.php";
$Email->addTo(""); (because 'susan' address is someone only doing admin for me)

first got an invalid security msg so reloaded.

then got message about too many redirects, so cleared cache again.

just received another trial,

but (1) textarea still missing, and (2) not getting redirect to success page.

Thank you,

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Ray BorduinWebAssist

You had removed your jquery script from the page and that was causing javascript errors. Once I added it back I got the redirecting improperly message. Once I opened the success page I saw that it too sends an email and redirects to the success page, which was causing an infinite loop. I removed the email from the success page and the success page is now displayed.

Then I turned on email debugging and it says the smtp username or password is incorrect. Make sure they are set correctly and that the email address in the FROM line is authorized to send from that server.

Once you have it working you can remove the comment from line 48 so that it will redirect and you can delete line 38 to remove the debug code.

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Thank you.
Everything is now working.

(1) I was not aware of having removed any jquery scripts.

(2) The username (for the smtp mail server_ should have ended in ".fm", not ".com".
(3) For some reason, universal email template had changed from "Block_7.php" to "BLock_6.php".

Once I had done those three things, and also did as you instructed and (a) commented out the debug line, and (b) de-commented the email close line, everything started working.

Thank you again.


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"This page isn’t working right now. Can't currently handle this request. HTTP ERROR 500"


I believe that when I installed either eCart or DataAssist, one or another of the accompanying server side scripts caused an issue.

I believe it may be eCart. But whatever the reason, the contact page has taken to not working again (after it previously was).

You mention higher up in this thread that you had had to recreate or rehash one or another of the accompanying scripts, so I believe it may be one of those?

Whatever may be happening, I was forced to purchase a new laptop a short while back, so have had to gradually reinstall and reactivate everything, and the only difference my end, at present, has been to reinstall and start using eCart and DataAssist.

(I therefore believe that this is now the same issue as I am experiencing on the eCart checkout page).

Thank you.

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Ray BorduinWebAssist

It looks like your WA_Email.php file was updated but the latest webassist/email/phpmailer/src files weren't. That left a missing file OAuthTokenProvider.php in that folder. I uploaded the file and your contact page seems to be working again.

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Thank you.

The contact form is now working properly again.

However, the CSS seems to be slightly amiss. It looks like the two input boxes for the two security questions are trying to change positions or similar; and the the whole is breaking the borders of the div it should be contained in.

I am very reluctant to try correcting this myself in case I break something.

But since it is "only" css, I am willing to do so, if you would prefer?


(Ps I just re-uploaded the "main.css" style sheet I am actually using in case that had got corrupted, but that made no difference).

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Ray BorduinWebAssist

I updated the page and corrected the problem. I didn't need to update the .css. The issue appears to be in the html, maybe things got dragged around while you were trying to fix the captcha issue.

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