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How to generate multiple .zip file in a loop base on a filtered result in array

Thread began 4/17/2022 10:46 pm by Rokon | Last modified 4/19/2022 7:38 am by Ray Borduin | 461 views | 6 replies |


How to generate multiple .zip file in a loop base on a filtered result in array

Dear Ray

I need your support here where my position is I need to create multiple .zip file as output from a query result base on their respected ID which is in array. In this below query $filterHadithBooks I am filtering out the BookID which is like 10,12,13,14 so on.

Now from the query $mainHadith I need to filtered out the data of the respected book and output as .zip file. As there are several books data over there so when I should run the php file then it should generate the zip file in a row like,, .. and at the end it will stop after all file generation is complete.

I am attaching the php file herewith. Thanks for your kind co-operation.

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Ray BorduinWebAssist

This is beyond the scope of what I can do in the forums. I'm not even sure where you are stuck. If you have a specific question then I can try to answer it, but if you want me to build your application for you, we would need to schedule a premier support ticket.

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Originally Said By: Ray Borduin
  This is beyond the scope of what I can do in the forums. I'm not even sure where you are stuck. If you have a specific question then I can try to answer it, but if you want me to build your application for you, we would need to schedule a premier support ticket.  

Dear Ray, I got your point. I am actually stuck on a position where all the BookID should split from $filterHadithBooks query and loop through one after another for filtering the data from $mainHadith query. With the below query I can see that only one file is generating in output.


= new WA_MySQLi_RS("filterHadithBooks",$hadithbd,0);
$filterHadithBooks->setQuery("SELECT hadithbook.BookID FROM hadithbook WHERE hadithbook.Active = 1 ORDER BY hadithbook.priority ASC");
while (!$filterHadithBooks->atEnd()) {
= new WA_MySQLi_RS("mainHadith",$hadithbd,0);
$mainHadith->setQuery("SELECT hadithmain.HadithID AS hadithID, hadithmain.HadithNo AS hadithNumber, hadithmain.hadithNo2 AS hadithNumber2, hadithmain.hadithNo3 AS hadithNumber3, hadithmain.ArabicHadith AS arabicHadithTashkeel, hadithmain.ArabicHadithNew AS arabicHadithNoTashkeel, hadithmain.BanglaHadith AS banglaHadith, hadithmain.EnglishHadith AS englishHadith, hadithmain.HadithNote, hadithbook.BookNameBD AS bookNameBangla, hadithchapter.ChapterBG AS hadithChapterBangla, hadithchapter.ChapterAR AS hadithChapterArabic, hadithchapter.ChapterEN AS hadithChapterEnglish, hadithexplanation.explanation AS hadithExplanation, hadithlearning.hadithinfo AS learningFromHadith, hadithstatus.StatusID, hadithstatus.StatusBG, rabihadith.rabiBangla, hadithsection.SectionBD FROM hadithmain LEFT OUTER JOIN hadithbook ON hadithmain.BookID = hadithbook.BookID LEFT OUTER JOIN hadithchapter ON hadithmain.chapterID = hadithchapter.chapID LEFT OUTER JOIN hadithexplanation ON hadithmain.HadithID = hadithexplanation.hadithID LEFT OUTER JOIN hadithlearning ON hadithmain.HadithID = hadithlearning.hadithID LEFT OUTER JOIN hadithstatus ON hadithmain.HadithStatus = hadithstatus.StatusID LEFT OUTER JOIN rabihadith ON hadithmain.RabiID = rabihadith.rabiID LEFT OUTER JOIN hadithsection ON hadithmain.SectionID = hadithsection.SectionID WHERE hadithmain.HadithActive = 1 AND hadithmain.BookID = ? ORDER BY hadithmain.HadithNo ASC");
$mainHadith->bindParam("i""".($filterHadithBooks->getColumnVal("BookID"))  ."""-1"); //WAQB_Param1
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Ray BorduinWebAssist

I think you need another while loop for the $mainHadith recordset results.

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Originally Said By: Ray Borduin
  I think you need another while loop for the $mainHadith recordset results.  

Am I doing right or wrong, I am confused as I am getting Fatal error: Out of memory error. Pls help.


require_once('../Connections/hadithbd.php'); ?>
require_once('../webassist/mysqli/rsobj.php'); ?>
= new WA_MySQLi_RS("filterHadithBooks",$hadithbd,0);
$filterHadithBooks->setQuery("SELECT hadithbook.BookID FROM hadithbook WHERE hadithbook.Active = 1 ORDER BY hadithbook.priority ASC");
while (!$filterHadithBooks->atEnd()) {
= new WA_MySQLi_RS("mainHadith",$hadithbd,0);
$mainHadith->setQuery("SELECT hadithmain.HadithID AS hadithID, hadithmain.HadithNo AS hadithNumber, hadithmain.hadithNo2 AS hadithNumber2, hadithmain.hadithNo3 AS hadithNumber3, hadithmain.ArabicHadith AS arabicHadithTashkeel, hadithmain.ArabicHadithNew AS arabicHadithNoTashkeel, hadithmain.BanglaHadith AS banglaHadith, hadithmain.EnglishHadith AS englishHadith, hadithmain.HadithNote, hadithbook.BookNameBD AS bookNameBangla, hadithchapter.ChapterBG AS hadithChapterBangla, hadithchapter.ChapterAR AS hadithChapterArabic, hadithchapter.ChapterEN AS hadithChapterEnglish, hadithexplanation.explanation AS hadithExplanation, hadithlearning.hadithinfo AS learningFromHadith, hadithstatus.StatusID, hadithstatus.StatusBG, rabihadith.rabiBangla, hadithsection.SectionBD FROM hadithmain LEFT OUTER JOIN hadithbook ON hadithmain.BookID = hadithbook.BookID LEFT OUTER JOIN hadithchapter ON hadithmain.chapterID = hadithchapter.chapID LEFT OUTER JOIN hadithexplanation ON hadithmain.HadithID = hadithexplanation.hadithID LEFT OUTER JOIN hadithlearning ON hadithmain.HadithID = hadithlearning.hadithID LEFT OUTER JOIN hadithstatus ON hadithmain.HadithStatus = hadithstatus.StatusID LEFT OUTER JOIN rabihadith ON hadithmain.RabiID = rabihadith.rabiID LEFT OUTER JOIN hadithsection ON hadithmain.SectionID = hadithsection.SectionID WHERE hadithmain.HadithActive = 1 AND hadithmain.BookID = ? ORDER BY hadithmain.HadithNo ASC");
$mainHadith->bindParam("i""".($filterHadithBooks->getColumnVal("BookID"))  ."""-1"); //WAQB_Param1
while (!$mainHadith->atEnd()) {
->Results[$filterHadithBooks->Index]["Book"] = $mainHadith->Results;

("Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8");
$json json_encode($mainHadith->ResultsJSON_UNESCAPED_UNICODE|JSON_UNESCAPED_SLASHES);

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Ray BorduinWebAssist

I think this:


->Results[$filterHadithBooks->Index]["Book"] = $mainHadith->Results;

Should be:


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Originally Said By: Ray Borduin
  I think this:

->Results[$filterHadithBooks->Index]["Book"] = $mainHadith->Results;

Should be:


Thanks a lot Ray, It works!

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