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forgot password not sending out email

Thread begun 4/09/2022 4:06 pm by msmoose2400634 | Last modified 4/14/2022 10:45 am by Ray Borduin | 483 views | 10 replies |


forgot password not sending out email

On my login page I added a "Forgot Password" link; the .php works correctly sending the user to the correct page based upon if the email address exist is the database. What it does not do is send the email to the user. I have attached the login page where the login11.php; "forgot password: link is; the forgot_password.php and the forgot_password_sent.php also I attached the testemail.php with a simple script just to make sure my hosting company had no issue with sending out emails. The testemail.php worked properly.

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Ray BorduinWebAssist

On line 97 you have your FROM address set to an icloud account. If you change the FROM address in your testemail.php page to that page, does the email still send? Sometimes emails can be blocked based on the FROM address.

Does it take you to the forgot_password_sent.php page after filling it out? If so, then I think the from address is the most likely issue. If not, then maybe try a different trigger in the forgot password Server Behavior.

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Good Evening Ray, I changed the testemail.php to both and then to and I received both emails.(they went to my SPAM)
The forgot_password.php sents me to the correct page, when I enter an email in the database it take me to the forgot_password_sent.php and when I add an email that does not exist in the database it sents me to the correct page; forgot_email_NoEmail.php.

I have tried various triggers but with the same results.

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Ray BorduinWebAssist

If you are redirecting to the correct page, then the trigger isn't the issue.

What is the URL to the page you are working on? I'll take a look and see if I can spot the problem.

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Hi Ray, yes the forgot_password.php takes the user to the correct page; If no email is found in the database it takes the user to the forgot_password_NoEmail.php if the email does exist is the database the system navigates to the correct page; forgot_password_sent.php; so I would agree with you that the trigger is working correctly. I will sent you the link to the page I'm working on in just a se (going to another labtop). with the two php as attachments.

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Originally Said By: msmoose2400634
  Hi Ray, yes the forgot_password.php takes the user to the correct page; If no email is found in the database it takes the user to the forgot_password_NoEmail.php if the email does exist is the database the system navigates to the correct page; forgot_password_sent.php; so I would agree with you that the trigger is working correctly. I will sent you the link to the page I'm working on in just a se (going to another labtop). with the two php as attachments.  

Here is the forgot_email.php link: (see attachments)

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Ray BorduinWebAssist

I'll need FTP access to debug this. Please send me your dreamweaver site definition and I'll figure out what needs to be changed.

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Originally Said By: Ray Borduin
  I'll need FTP access to debug this. Please send me your dreamweaver site definition and I'll figure out what needs to be changed.  
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Ray BorduinWebAssist

I think it is working now. I found several issues.

1) your mail method was set to "sendmail", but the sample emailtest.php file was using "mail". I updated it to "mail" to compare apples to apples
2) your mail body file: forgotpw_17.php was not uploaded. I changed it to forgotpw_2.php since I saw that file on the server
3) Your from address display had a single quote in it, so I had to update the recordset reference to: $rs_org->getColumnVal("busName",false) (the ,false at the end keeps the quote from being encoded)

After making those changes I was able to get a forgot password email. Please test and let me know if it is working for you now.

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Thank you Ray.

Reference #2) I didn't know about this directory webassist/email; obviously this is something the Server Behaviour created.Lesson learned. Is it safe to delete all of the forgotpw__..php except for forgotpw17 to keep my directories clean? I see now where this file is referenced in the forgot_password.php "mailBodyFile"=>"webassist/email/forgotpw_17.php"

Reference #3) I was not aware that if data contained a single quote and I am referencing a value in a recordset that I put sent the paramenter after the fied name to false. Most of the time I will not know if there is a single quote in data that I am pulling from a recordset, should I as a general rule set this parameter to "false" if the data I am pulling is NOT an integer field?

I can't tell you how much I appreciate the support I get from you and webassist. It is awesome. Thank you again.


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