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I am trying to display the members picture, name and date of birth in a recordset. I can display the name of the picture in the recordset but I can not display the actual picture. See more below.

Thread began 3/01/2022 5:43 pm by msmoose2400634 | Last modified 3/18/2022 1:22 pm by Ray Borduin | 947 views | 29 replies |


I am trying to display the members picture, name and date of birth in a recordset. I can display the name of the picture in the recordset but I can not display the actual picture. See more below.

Basically what I am trying to do is display the picture of the member with their date of birth and their picture. Thank you!

I have a recordset that has 3 fields, member name, avartar ( varchar100, that holds the picture name of the member, and the perseq (primary field) I also have a folder membersPage/avartar/thumbnails (that holds the actual picture and the name of the picture); when I create a table to display the picture name and the member's name everything works fine, but I want to display the actual picture and not the picture name. I tried using the File Manipulation but I am unsucessful.

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Ray BorduinWebAssist

You probably just need something like:

<img  src="membersPage/avatar/thumbnails/<?php echo($rs_birthdays->getColumnVal("avartar ")); ?>">
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Didn't work (sad)

I changed the code as you suggested and I get an image icon for the recordset but not the actual picture itself. I also tried the File Maniuplation as I thought this is where I would download the picture and I get an error message (you will see it in the attachment.

I tried it both ways as well:
<td><img src="/membersPage/avatar/thumbnails/<?php echo($rs_birthdays->getColumnVal("avartar ")); ?>">
<td><img src="membersPage/avatar/thumbnails/<?php echo($rs_birthdays->getColumnVal("avartar ")); ?>">

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oops I did put the closing </td> just forgot to put it in the previous post to you, sorry

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Ray BorduinWebAssist

It looks like your column name may have a typo try:

<td><img src="/membersPage/avatar/thumbnails/<?php echo($rs_birthdays->getColumnVal("avatar",false)); ?>"></td>

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Originally Said By: Ray Borduin
  It looks like your column name may have a typo try:

<td><img src="/membersPage/avatar/thumbnails/<?php echo($rs_birthdays->getColumnVal("avatar",false)); ?>"></td>  

I copied and paste your code and I still get the same results, the image does not appear but just a broken image icon. I have attached a document and circled on the property for the ima scr property and it shows a broken image icon, is that showing me an error. And I really appreciate your time and efforts to help me (as I am rewritting all my websites because I used Dreamweaver CS3 and the Developer's toolkit so this is somewhat of a big learning curve for me). Do you know of a tutorial for webassist on how to download a dynamic image from a recordset so I can try to understand the process instead of reaching out to you all of the time).

I also circled the image icon on the birthday list so you can see what is being displayed.

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Ray BorduinWebAssist

Can you attach the .php page and include a url where I can see the problem? Are you sure the column name is correct? Are you sure the database has a valid image name?

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I have attached the .php page and I also attached a screen image that displays the person's image name, the image icon and on the far right is the remote server avatar directory that shows the image name, I wanted to make sure that the person's image name under the birthday list is also in the membersPage/avatar directory, which it is. my working website that I am trying to rewrite is and you can see how the birthday image is suppose to display.

Thank you

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Ray BorduinWebAssist

It looks like the images are showing now. Did you find the solution? One of them has a missing image, so you probably just need an IF statement to show an image not found image instead.

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Originally Said By: Ray Borduin
  It looks like the images are showing now. Did you find the solution? One of them has a missing image, so you probably just need an IF statement to show an image not found image instead.  

Yes I am sorry I thought I replied that I found my error, here is the correct path. You had it right but I didn't catch the silly quote mark.

<td><img src="membersPage/avatar/<?php echo($rs_birthdays->getColumnVal("avartar")); ?>" width="50" height="50"> </td>

I needed to put the php statement inside the quotes. And yes you are right I will need an IF statement for those who do not have a picture.

But now I have a worst problem, but I am trying to work around it before I reach out to you (oops i guess I am reaching out to you). It is so strange. The home1.php shows my mysql recordsets under the binding panel, but when I either refresh or click the plus sign to add the database it gives me this error message. "No tables found. Please check your connection. Which is strange because I haven't changed anything. I attached the screen shot.

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