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failing to properly access array created by preg_match

Thread began 1/30/2022 5:31 am by yogastudents362523 | Last modified 1/31/2022 1:17 pm by Ray Borduin | 398 views | 4 replies |


failing to properly access array created by preg_match


You may recall that as per this code snippet:

<?php $shortbio = preg_replace("/<img[^>]+\>/i", "", $rsAllPresenterData->getColumnVal("Biography",false)) ; ?>
<?php $shortbio = substr($shortbio, 0, 550) ; ?>

you assisted me with the preg_replace function. (I had foolishly placed the substr request BEFORE the remove references to images request; and you fixed my issue by inverting the code order; and as given above).

I am now having a problem with the complementary preg_match function.

preg_match is supposed to examine the data, count the number of matching instances, and return an array of all images in the provided HTML code snippet. But either I am not receiving that array; or else the code I write is mistaken (more likely).

I am providing workable material, because:
echo($rsAllPresenterData->getColumnVal("Biography",false)) ;

correctly displays Presenter Bios on the page, including all images.

I then use preg_match as follows.
(I felt it best to leave my little foolish 'echo' notes to myself in place so you can correct my logic if necessary):

echo('This is before the preg_match and its print_r, thus indicating success in matching<br />');

print_r(preg_match("/<img[^>]+\>/i", $rsAllPresenterData->getColumnVal("Biography",false), $matches, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE)) ;

echo('<br />And this is before the print_r of those $matches <br />');

print_r($matches) ;

echo('<br />This is after all that<br /> and then here, supposedly, is the foreach<br /> ');

foreach($matches as $myinfo)

The first print_r displays a '1' (to show success in matching of some kind).

The second print_r displays only the first image in the bio, along with the text:
Array ( [0] => Array ( [0] => [1] => 0 ) )

And the third print_r again displays only the first image in the bio, along with the shorter text:
Array ( [0] => [1] => 0 )

I have attached the file concerned.

Thank you,

(And in case it makes a difference, then I am trying to create a dynamic menu (option-select) containing the precise names of all the image files Presenter use in their longer biographies.
I am already extracting the first 500 characters, without images, of their long bio to create a more general listing of all Presenters. But that short bio nevertheless needs an image. I at first thought I could leave them to copy and paste the relevant filename into a datbase field and update the database. But as you will appreciate, this has its rather large issues. I need an easier and more automatic process. A menu will faultlessly and accurately contain the precise filenames of all images in their bio, and they can then select to indicate which image they want me to use. I already have coding to place the correct image from the filemanager's thumbs directory in place. Thank you. But I can't get the above preg_match to work. Thank you).

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Ray BorduinWebAssist

You will have to use preg_match_all() instead of preg_match() to return all of the images and not just the first one. If you still have issues, please include a url with steps to see the problem so I can debug it live.

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Thank you, thank you: most sincerely.

I changed the regular expression and now have the following coding:

preg_match_all('@src="([^"]+)"@', $rsAllPresenterData->getColumnVal("Biography",false), $matches, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE);

$controller = array_pop($matches) ;

foreach($controller as $myinfo)

I am now very close indeed because the result I am getting is:

Array ( [0] => [1] => 64 )
Array ( [0] => [1] => 571 )
Array ( [0] => [1] => 834 )

etc. etc.

chopping off the necessary front characters is obviously trivial using standard string manipulations.
But chopping off the back few (when they are so variable) is proving more of a challenge.

I tried using " [1] => " for a further reg ex comparison. I was then hoping to strip everything beyond that point away to the end of that string by dint of replacing it with "", but that is not currently working.

I am now researching ... but do you happen to know of a PHP routine that specializes in tailend of string recognition?

Thank you,

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Ray BorduinWebAssist

You just have to use $myinfo[0]

I updated the page for an example.

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Thank you.
I again feel so stupid!
Ah well. I guess, at least, I got the regex in situ that makes possible what I want to do..

I have downloaded the page.
Thank you again.
I can now finish this, and then move on to the next problem.

With every good wish,

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