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please can you help (simple code)

Thread begun 1/01/2022 6:33 pm by yogastudents362523 | Last modified 1/03/2022 10:31 pm by Ray Borduin | 1789 views | 9 replies |


please can you help (simple code)


I had been very much relying on re-using some old code from my previous project, but things have changed massively.
Here is the MySQL query code as built by DataAssist MySQLi extension.
The "Test" button in the extension says the query is valid. I am selecting all classes for the current month plus 4 ahead.

Since I am not sure if the issue is in my Select query or in the PHP, it is difficult to know what to do next.

$mySaturdayClasses = new WA_MySQLi_RS("mySaturdayClasses",$mysqli_workshops,1);
$mySaturdayClasses->setQuery("SELECT * FROM workshops.saturdayssundays WHERE (saturdayssundays.classdate BETWEEN (DATE_ADD(CURDATE(), INTERVAL 0 MONTH)) AND (DATE_ADD(CURDATE(), INTERVAL 5 MONTH))) AND (WEEKDAY(saturdayssundays.classdate)=5) ORDER BY saturdayssundays.classdate");

Then I try to create a simple while loop to print out the data. I gave up using the object approach when I couldn't get that to work. But this procedural approach is also not working.

while ($row = mysqli_fetch_array($mySaturdayClasses)) {
echo date('F', strtotime($row["classdate"])) ;
echo date('j', strtotime($row["classdate"])) ;

The last time I did all this PHP 5 was only about a year old, and was the exciting new thing.

I would very much appreciate a working example of an object approach so I can figure out what I am doing wrong, and then correct all my other coding that does not seem to be working under PHP 7. I believe PHP 8 is just about upon us!!

Thank you for your help once again,

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This recuperation stuff is not good for the mind.

I eventually sat back and figured out that I should gradually be able to put everything together entirely using your tools.

From a combination of your recordset "show if not empty"
your MySQLi etceteras,
and figuring my way around the PHP date formatting matters, I now have the following, which is working:

<p>testing webassist stuff in here</p>
<?php if ($myMondayCancellations->TotalRows > 0) { // Show if mysqli recordset not empty ?>
<?php } // Show if mysqli recordset not empty ?>
$wa_startindex = 0;
while(!$mySaturdayClasses->atEnd()) {
$wa_startindex = $mySaturdayClasses->Index;

<?php echo date('F', strtotime($mySaturdayClasses->getColumnVal("classdate"))); // extracting month full name
echo (" ");
echo date('j', strtotime($mySaturdayClasses->getColumnVal("classdate"))); extracting date
$mySaturdayClasses->moveFirst(); //return RS to first record

Thank you,

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show region: three times anomaly?


The following "show" region insists on a three times repetition when there are only in fact 2 times in the recordset; and I do not understand why:

$wa_startindex = 0;
while(!$myTuesdayCancellations->atEnd()) {
$wa_startindex = $myTuesdayCancellations->Index;
display 3 times anomaly here<br>

<?php // echo date('M', strtotime($myTuesdayCancellations->getColumnVal("cancelleddate")));
// echo (" ");
// echo date('jS', strtotime($myTuesdayCancellations->getColumnVal("cancelleddate")));

$myTuesdayCancellations->moveFirst(); //return RS to first record

This is the SELECT query that generates it:

$myTuesdayCancellations = new WA_MySQLi_RS("myTuesdayCancellations",$mysqli_workshops,0);
$myTuesdayCancellations->setQuery("SELECT * FROM workshops.cancellationdates WHERE (cancellationdates.cancelleddate BETWEEN (DATE_ADD(CURDATE(), INTERVAL 0 MONTH)) AND (DATE_ADD(CURDATE(), INTERVAL 5 MONTH))) AND (WEEKDAY(cancellationdates.cancelleddate)=1) ORDER BY cancellationdates.cancelleddate");

The URL for the relevant page is in the private area.
Thank you.

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Ray BorduinWebAssist

I think the recordset must be returning 3 rows. Try running that SQL statement in phpMyAdmin and see how many results come back.

If you send me FTP details I can debug the page directly. I don't seem to have access to that site anymore.

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I have run that query in Navicat, and I get various (and correct) results according to the (WEEKDAY(cancellationdates.cancelleddate)=0) variable. I get 2 results on Monday (value = 0), 1 result on Tuesday (value = 1) and 1 result on Thursday (value = 3).

I have put the ftp details in the private area.

Thank you,

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Another anomaly
I am sorry, but I would like to add that the top of the page are 2 (of 5) queries that are NOT showing in the WebAssist MySQLi "show region" dialogue box.

The three queries:
all display correctly as selectable options.


do not.

I am happy to rebuild them when you are done, if necessary.

Thank you,

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Ray BorduinWebAssist

Your recordset code had some typos. That was probably causing both issues. I've fixed it. Please take a look and let me know if it is all working properly now.

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Thank you, that all seems to be working now.
I will have to figure out how those queries got corrupted?
Maybe I did that when trying to adjust each individual weekday index?

I shall try to take more care.

Thank you again,

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Ray BorduinWebAssist

It looks like you copied and pasted to create the recordsets and didn't update the recordset name in all of the lines properly, so some were referring to other recordset names.

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I have obviously not recovered nearly so well as I think I have.
I will have to work in shorter stretches.

Especially given that I am also watching videos to simultaneously learn more about object PHP, rather than the procedural I am used to from all those years ago.

Thank you again for the WebAssist videos you have provided.

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