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Too many errors!

Thread began 9/05/2009 10:14 am by meister281653 | Last modified 9/08/2009 10:47 am by Jason Byrnes | 3011 views | 5 replies |


Too many errors!


I love your extensions but DFP2 is totally ***. I got to many errors like that Error 500 if I upload images over 2.5 MB. The check for imagesize, width, height, filesize is gone (DFP1 got it), WHY???

Why dont you put the best of DFP1 and DFP2 together???????

I havent used it till now, cause its to compicated to check all those things and there are NO TUTORIALS.

DFP2 is a STEP BACK, sorry! Better call it DFP0.5.


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Sounds like a server upload limit problem... DFP2 does everything DFP1 did plus a whole lot more. Unless you have something wrong with your installation, it sounds like your host has limitations now on what you can upload and how large of files you can upload.



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I dont think so. My limit is 10MB.

It seems more, that it is not possible to have more that 3 actions during the upload.

- upload original
- upload fit box
- upload width

If I take, like I want 2 more (height, and fix), then that error 500 comes up.

Now I tried to change the server timeout to 3600 but no success.

What more can I do? I need that 5 changes :-(

When I only use 3 changes it works but now I got that error:

Warning: session_start() [function.session-start]: Cannot send session cookie - headers already sent by (output started at /mnt/web5/htdocs/webseiten/localhero/Upload.php:2) in /mnt/localhero/WA_DigitalFilePro/HelperPHP.php on line 70

Warning: session_start() [function.session-start]: Cannot send session cookie - headers already sent by (output started at /mnt/web5/htdocs/webseiten/localhero/Upload.php:2) in /mnt/localhero/WA_DigitalFilePro/HelperPHP.php on line 70

This makes me NUTS! Whats wrong here!

Where in DFP can I say, the filesize has to be under 1MB? The Width not over 1500pix the height not over 2000pix?


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There is definitely something weird going on there, because I have several DFP2 scripts with 5 and sometimes 8 actions happening and I haven't run into any problems... do you get any more details from that Error 500? As far as limiting the input, the idea in DFP 2 is that you can resize anything you want going in so there wouldn't be any need.

Out of curiosity, are you on a dedicated host or shared hosting and might there be some limitation on the process time limitation or cache that is being controlled outside of your php.ini file?

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  Out of curiosity, are you on a dedicated host or shared hosting and might there be some limitation on the process time limitation or cache that is being controlled outside of your php.ini file  

I dont understand that.

Cause oft that fact, that i dont know, whats going wrong, I want to limit the filsesize, cause under 1MB nothing happens. and, cause of that it would be cool to have a field to limit the size would be great. cause i am not a programmer who can make changes to ini htaccess or anything.

thats why i thing this field is important.

where can I find those things?

process time limitation or cache? in the phpinfo?


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Jason ByrnesWebAssist

In your screenshoot, the memory-limit is set to 64M. To be able to re-size the image, the GD Library will need to make use of much more memory on the server.

you will need to increase the memory_limit to 256M. The GD library will quite a bit of the servers memory when resizing the images, especial if you are resizing the image a number of times.

your screen shot also shows a max_execution_time of 60 seconds. This setting is the limit on how long a PHP script can execute, if it takes longer than 60 seconds to upload the image and re-size them, the script will time out.

You will need to increase this setting in the PHP.ini file.

If you need assistance modifying the PHP.ini settings, you should consult with your host.

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