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Help with table relationships and joining tables

Thread began 8/22/2014 2:05 pm by joerg431091 | Last modified 9/04/2014 11:22 am by Jason Byrnes | 3406 views | 15 replies |


Help with table relationships and joining tables

I like to have recipes on the website that the user can display by choosing a certain category.

Lets say the database holds 100 recipes and those are categorized in 5 categories (Meat, Fish, Salad, Soup, Chicken, etc). So the user will click on the category he likes displaying all the recipes within that category.

I can not figure out how to assign one recipe to several different categories so that Recipe 58 for example will be displayed in the meat as well as in the salad category.

So two tables in the DB are recipes and recipescategories


RecipeID (PK)



I am new to Databases and struggle if it comes to table relationships and joining tables (obviously). So after researching this it appears that I have to create another table to join those two tables so i did another which is:


RecipeID (PK)
RecipeCategoryID (PK)

Am I on the right path to achieve this and is there a tutorial available that shows how something like this is done and also how to do this in the insert and update pages?

Any help that points me in the right direction is greatly appreciated.

Thanks a lot


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Jason ByrnesWebAssist

Yes, you are on the right track.

See the Manage relational tables tutorial for more details.

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Great. Thanks a lot Jason.


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Hi Jason,

One more question in this regards if you don't mind:

I followed the Tutorial and it seems to work absolutely great. Using the Insert and Update pages now allow to assign each recipe to several different categories.

Regarding the Detail page:

I might miss the obvious here but how do I now display the categories a particular recipe or item is assigned to in the detail page? I did bind the recipe categories to the detail page and then used the repeat selection but it shows me all the categories. How do I only show the categories this item is assigned to?

I hope the question makes sense and thanks again for your help.


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Jason ByrnesWebAssist

See this post for details:

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Hi Jason,

Thanks so much for your response.

I followed the instructions in the Blue Sky example and the assigned genres now appear correctly in the items_detail.php page.

The problem I have now is that when I view a record on the detail page and click on “update” from the detail page - only the Genres show up and all other information (item name, short description, long description, etc) is empty. After then clicking Update on the update page - it changes to the detail.php page with the information that the record has been removed.

This only happens if I try to update from the detail page. If I am on the result page and click on update = everything works fine.

Any thoughts?

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Jason ByrnesWebAssist

I'll need to troubleshoot directly, see the private message section.

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Thanks for your quick response.

I unfortunately have this only on my local machine at the moment. Any "guess" without logging in? If not I have to find a way to upload this somewhere to show you.

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Jason ByrnesWebAssist

send a copy of the pages please so i can see the code.

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Great. Thanks a lot. Pages are attached.

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