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Database structure advice sought

Thread began 8/17/2014 8:57 am by Patrice | Last modified 8/18/2014 8:53 am by Patrice | 842 views | 2 replies |


Database structure advice sought

For all the mysql gurus who may have time to look at this, most appreciated.

I need to build tables/records to cover a number of contingencies and I'm trying to get my brain wrapped around it. I've attached a screenshot of what the client wants as the end result (currently being served as a pdf).

Tables that I assume I'll need:
Gender (M/F/U)
Size type (waist, chest, etc)
Measurements (30"-37")

Then the tables that join these three:
Women's Lengths
Men's Lengths

So Women's would include
womens_ ?? fuzzy here… Women's (name of group?)

Mens' -- repeat with
mens_ID etc.

Does this make sense? Or am I missing something. And I'm not sure yet how I can lay it out on the page to match up the grid currently being used.
Any pointers most appreciated.

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CraigRBeta Tester

I am guessing you are setting up a clothing store, selling mens/womens/unisex? clothing

If this is the case, I think your table structure seems too complicated.

Based on your image, I’m not sure where the unisex fits in, but here is a simple structure, which allows each item to have several sizes available, based on the data in your table.

Have a table for items
Have a table for sizes
Have a table for item sizes

tblitems contains the product information
tblsizes contains all of the size information
tblitemsize is the linking table so you can create a many-many relationship.

On this basis, any item can potentially have any size, but you can use logic in your web pages admin if desired to restrict options, so you cannot associate womens sizes with mens clothing for example.

Eg you could add a M/F field to the sizes table

I added some dummy data to the basic table layout

`ItemID` int(11) DEFAULT NULL,
`ItemDescription` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL

INSERT INTO `tblitems` (`ItemID`, `ItemDescription`) VALUES
(1, 'Mens Shirt'),
(2, 'Ladies Trousers'),
(3, 'Ladies Blouse');

`SIzeID` int(11) DEFAULT NULL,
`SizeDescription` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL,
`Bust/Chest` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL,
`Waist` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL,
`HipSeat/Sleeve` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL,
`Inseam` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL

INSERT INTO `tblsizes` (`SIzeID`, `SizeDescription`, `BustChest`, `Waist`, `HipSeatSleeve`, `Inseam`) VALUES
(1, 'XS 2-4', '30"-33"', '23"-25"', '33"-35"', '30"'),
(2, 'S 4-6', '33"-35"', '25"-27"', '35"-37"', '30.5"'),
(3, 'M 6-8', '35"-37"', '27"-29"', '37"-40"', '31"'),
(4, 'L 10-12', '37"-40"', '29"-32"', '40"-43"', '31.5"'),
(5, 'XL 14-16', '40"-45"', '32"-35"', '43"-46"', '32"'),
(6, 'S Petite', '-', '-', '35"-37"', '28.5"'),
(7, 'S Long', '-', '-', '35"-37"', '32.5"'),
(8, 'M Petite', '-', '-', '37"-40"', '29"'),
(9, 'M Long', '-', '-', '37"-40"', '33"'),
(10, 'L Petite', '-', '-', '40"-43"', '29.5"'),
(11, 'L Long', '-', '-', '40"-43"', '33.5"'),
(12, 'S', '34"-37"', '28"-30"', '32"-33"', '31.5"'),
(13, 'M', '37"-40"', '32"-34"', '33"-34"', '32"'),
(14, 'L', '40"-45"', '24"-36"', '34"-35"', '32.5"'),
(15, 'XL', '45"-49"', '36"-38"', '35"-36"', '33"'),
(16, 'XXL', '49"-53"', '38"-40"', '36"-38"', '33.5"'),
(17, 'M Short', '-', '-', '32"-34"', '30"'),
(18, 'M Long', '-', '-', '32"-34"', '34"'),
(19, 'L Short', '-', '-', '34"-36"', '30.5"'),
(20, 'L Long', '-', '-', '34"-36"', '34.5"'),
(21, 'XL Short', '-', '-', '36"-38"', '31"'),
(22, 'XL Long', '-', '-', '36"-38"', '31.5"');

`ItemSizeID` int(11) DEFAULT NULL,
`ItemID` int(11) DEFAULT NULL,
`SizeID` int(11) DEFAULT NULL

INSERT INTO `tblitemsize` (`ItemSizeID`, `ItemID`, `SizeID`) VALUES
(1, 1, 12),
(2, 1, 13),
(3, 1, 15),
(4, 2, 6),
(5, 2, 7),
(6, 2, 10),
(7, 3, 1),
(8, 3, 2),
(9, 3, 4);

So, to retrieve all of the available sizes for item 1, the mens shirt
SELECT tblitems.ItemID, tblitems.ItemDescription, tblsizes.SizeDescription, tblsizes.BustChest, tblsizes.Waist, tblsizes.HipSeatSleeve, tblsizes.Inseam
FROM tblitems INNER JOIN tblitemsize ON tblitems.ItemID = tblitemsize.ItemID INNER JOIN tblsizes ON tblitemsize.SizeID = tblsizes.SIzeID
WHERE tblitems.ItemID=1;

Hope this helps

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Thanks for taking so much time with the answer, CraigR.
I am using PowerStore for a clothing line. Yes, I didn't show all the sizes such as Unisex in my question.
I will read over all that you've shared and hopefully I'll understand enough to create the size charts as in my posted image.

I may not have been clear though. I don't need to show all the shirts in a size. I just need to show what the measurements are on a size, i.e., Mens Length XXL has an inseam of 37", etc.

"So, to retrieve all of the available sizes for item 1, the mens shirt"

The image I posted is what I am trying to create so client can change values themselves as they need to. The cart itself can show the sizes for the product. This chart is separate from the cart as a reference point so folks know what size is best for them based on measurements.

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