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Problems installing Databridge 1.2 for DW CC 2014

Thread began 8/11/2014 11:10 am by iainmacdonald331081 | Last modified 8/13/2014 7:00 am by iainmacdonald331081 | 4568 views | 12 replies |


Problems installing Databridge 1.2 for DW CC 2014

I've been having issues with the Adobe Deprecated Panels extension, I think since I installed the mySQLi extension.

I've been trying to get them all re-installed by deleting and reinstalling the extensions, by deleting the cache file, recreating the configuration file in various orders, with no joy.

I have currently uninstalled all DW extensions, and am reinstalling DWCC 2014.

So at this stage, I just want to check if there is a particular order I should re-install the following extensions:

Adobe Deprecated Panels
WA DataBridge

Also, should the WA installer (the relatively new one I think) run when opening CC and CC 2014 for the first time, or should it just need to run when either is opened to make them work in both CC and CC 2014? Just asking as I did notice it was running on CC, but not CC 2014 when I was trying just now.

Thank you.

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Jason ByrnesWebAssist

there is not a specific order for installation.

the WA Installer should run on opening both DW CC or 2014. both versions use a separate user configuration folder, if the WA installer does not run, you may need to open a page page to trigger it.

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Thanks Jason.

After re-installing DW CC 2014, it installed the Deprecated Panel Support extension automatically as I'd added at as an add on so it synced itself.

Then I re-installed DB using the Extension Manager (CC).

Its working in CC - after opening a page the installer ran. And when i tried to test it, it accepted the serial number OK.

I noticed that the Web Assist menu appeared across the top before the WA installer ran.

But it still isn't doing anything in DW CC 2014, and there is no Web Assist menu across the top. (Not sure if it would appear before the installer runs as it seemed to with CC).

So not sure what else to try?

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Jason ByrnesWebAssist

make sure you have the latest update to the Extension manager.

In the extension manager, select to manage DW CS cc 2014, and install the extensions to 2014.

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Thanks Jason - there was no update to EM showing in the CC desktop app, but I downloaded it from the adobe site and its working now.

One thing still though, which I've had before and never really figured out, and have it again now is that when I go to create the database pages using WA > Database > Database Pages I am getting an error about No tables found. Your database or site testing server settings may not be configured properly.

It seems fine most of the time, but does this from time to time and I never know why, as all the settings appear to be OK, and I can upload normally.

Any ideas where I might look to fix this?

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Jason ByrnesWebAssist

Double check the testing server setting in the site definition, make sure the Web URL is set corrcetly, and if needed the root folder

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All looks OK. I usually just have the testing server the same as my remote server.

I have two domains on a reseller account, each using the same database.

The settings for both are essentially the same, but this seems to work in one but not the other.

Its late here now, so I'll look again in the morning, and if it still looks odd, I'll try and do a little video showing they both look the same, but are behaving differently with DB.

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Jason ByrnesWebAssist

"I have two domains on a reseller account, each using the same database."

this may or may not work, you should contact your host if you continue to have problems.

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I think that's all OK. We've been using it like that for ages now, and all works well. And most of the time all works fine with DB.

It just sometimes seems to through up the No Tables Found error.

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Jason ByrnesWebAssist

"It just sometimes seems to through up the No Tables Found error."

so most of the time it works fine, but sometimes it gives the error? and restating dreamweaver or waiting a few minutes fixes the problem?

You can try removing the connection scripts:
Site- > Advanced -> Remove Connection Scripts

if that doesn't work, it sounds moire like a problem on the host end than a problem in DW.

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