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MySQLi Dropdowns

Thread began 6/19/2014 7:05 am by randyrie405335 | Last modified 7/09/2014 9:21 am by Jason Byrnes | 3858 views | 16 replies |


MySQLi Dropdowns

I do not see where in MySQLi I can create a dynamic dropdown from a MySQLi recordset. THIS IS CRTICAL for me so can someone help me with this?

--- By dynamic dropdown I mean a dropdown that is populated "live" from a database record: e.g., 'dog', 'cat', 'goldfish', 'turtle' added to a database and a dropdown on a form enabled to display the items.----

This basic to ANY FORM BUILDING so there must be a way to do this. I used the old Dreamweaver server behaviors to create quite a few of these on my site's many forms.

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Jason ByrnesWebAssist

This will require some work in code view to accomplish since the Dreamweaver Select lists don't recognize the MySQLi recordsets.

first create the recordset, then create the select list with a static value, for example:

<select name="select" id="select">
<option value="value">label</option>

In code View highlight the Label between the option tags. Open the bindings panel, and expand the recordset add the binding for the column yo wish to use for the label, for exaple:

<option value="value"><?php echo($recordsetName->getColumnVal("ItemCatName")); ?></option>

repeat this for the value:

<option value="<?php echo($recordsetName->getColumnVal("ItemCatID")); ?>
"><?php echo($recordsetName->getColumnVal("ItemCatName")); ?></option>

then select the option tag and add a repeat around it:

the end result will look like this:

<select name="select" id="select">
while(!$recordsetName->atEnd()) {
<option value="<?php echo($recordsetName->getColumnVal("ItemCatID")); ?>
"><?php echo($recordsetName->getColumnVal("ItemCatName")); ?></option>
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Jared Lui

Hey Jason, do know happen to know off-hand if WebAssist or Adobe plans to address this?

I use this a lot on pretty much every site I do and having to code this manually every time defeats the purpose of having extensions.

Is Adobe going to ignore MySQLi altogether?

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Jason ByrnesWebAssist

I Will put through ha feature request for this.

  Is Adobe going to ignore MySQLi altogether?  

They have deprecated the Server behaviors, so I Don't expect them to do anything with MySQLi.

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I'm doing something wrong since only one record displays in this dropdown, rather than the 7 that exist in the database:

<select name="MailingDate" id="Mailingdate">
while(!$rsMailingDates->atEnd()) {
<option value="<?php echo($rsMailingDates->getColumnVal("MailingDate")); ?>">
<?php echo($rsMailingDates->getColumnVal("MailingDate")); ?></option>

Can you see any errors?

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Jason ByrnesWebAssist

the code looks correct.

what does this code output to the page:

Total Rows: <?php echo $rsMailingDates->TotalRows ?><br />
SQL <?php echo $rsMailingDates->debugSQL(); ?><br />
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The code doesn't display the number of records - it is blank:

Total Rows:

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Jason ByrnesWebAssist

I'll need to troubleshoot directly, see the private message section.

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I'm nearly finished converting this site from the deprecated DW server behaviors and have learned a great deal about using WebAssist's extensions. I appreciate your patience while I sit in the training seat and hopefully, should soon be 'flying' on my own. Thanks for all your help, Jason.

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Jason ByrnesWebAssist

Glad to hear it is working,

just FYI:

there will be an update in the near future that addresses this in the select list GUI so that you wont need to use any hand coding to create dynamic lists.

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