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Send mutiple choices checkboxes ?

Thread began 4/28/2014 10:49 am by Hervé | Last modified 5/13/2014 8:16 am by Jason Byrnes | 2127 views | 5 replies |


Send mutiple choices checkboxes ?


In my form i have multiple checkboxes, visitor has to check at least one checkbox.
Sending email only shows one choice not the other.

Here is sending code
$MailAttachments = "";
$MailBCC = "";
$MailCC = "";
$MailTo = "";
$MailBodyFormat = "";
$MailBody = "";
$MailImportance = "";
$MailFrom = "".((isset($_POST["nom"]))?$_POST["nom"]:"") ."";
$MailSubject = "Mes centres d’intérêts ";

//Global Variables

$WA_MailObject = WAUE_Definition("","","","","","");

if ($RecipientEmail) {
$WA_MailObject = WAUE_AddRecipient($WA_MailObject,$RecipientEmail);
else {
//To Entries

//Additional Headers

//Attachment Entries

//BCC Entries

//CC Entries

//Body Format
$WA_MailObject = WAUE_BodyFormat($WA_MailObject,0);

//Set Importance
$WA_MailObject = WAUE_SetImportance($WA_MailObject,"3");

//Start Mail Body
$MailBody = $MailBody . "<html><head></head><body>\r\n";
$MailBody = $MailBody . "\r\n";
$MailBody = $MailBody . "<p>Nom : ";
$MailBody = $MailBody . ((isset($_POST["nom"]))?$_POST["nom"]:"");
$MailBody = $MailBody . "</p>\r\n";
$MailBody = $MailBody . "<p>Prénom : ";
$MailBody = $MailBody . ((isset($_POST["prenom"]))?$_POST["prenom"]:"");
$MailBody = $MailBody . "</p>\r\n";
$MailBody = $MailBody . "<p>Adresse : ";
$MailBody = $MailBody . ((isset($_POST["adresse"]))?$_POST["adresse"]:"");
$MailBody = $MailBody . "</p>\r\n";
$MailBody = $MailBody . "<p>Code Postal : ";
$MailBody = $MailBody . ((isset($_POST["codepostal"]))?$_POST["codepostal"]:"");
$MailBody = $MailBody . "</p>\r\n";
$MailBody = $MailBody . "<p>Localité : ";
$MailBody = $MailBody . ((isset($_POST["localite"]))?$_POST["localite"]:"");
$MailBody = $MailBody . "</p>\r\n";
$MailBody = $MailBody . "<p>Pays : ";
$MailBody = $MailBody . ((isset($_POST["pays"]))?$_POST["pays"]:"");
$MailBody = $MailBody . "</p>\r\n";
$MailBody = $MailBody . "<p>Email : ";
$MailBody = $MailBody . ((isset($_POST["email"]))?$_POST["email"]:"");
$MailBody = $MailBody . "</p>\r\n";
$MailBody = $MailBody . "<p>Mon niveau PNP : ";
$MailBody = $MailBody . ((isset($_POST["niveau"]))?$_POST["niveau"]:"");
$MailBody = $MailBody . "</p>\r\n";
$MailBody = $MailBody . "<p>Mes intérêts :</p>\r\n";
$MailBody = $MailBody . "<p>";
$MailBody = $MailBody . ((isset($_POST["interet_"]))?$_POST["interet_"]:""); ============> HERE is the fist check box item
$MailBody = $MailBody . "<br />\r\n";
$MailBody = $MailBody . "</p>\r\n";
$MailBody = $MailBody . "<p>Comment avez-vous connu Ressources : <br />\r\n";
$MailBody = $MailBody . ((isset($_POST["comment"]))?$_POST["comment"]:"");
$MailBody = $MailBody . "</p>\r\n";
$MailBody = $MailBody . "<p>&nbsp;</p>\r\n";
$MailBody = $MailBody . "</body></html>";
//End Mail Body

Thanks helping me.

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Jason ByrnesWebAssist

when working with multiple selection checkboxes, the names for them should all be the same and end with [], for example:

<input type="checkbox" name="interet[]" value="Relation d'aide" id="interet_1">

then in the code to write the value in the email, use the implode function to create a comma separated list:

$MailBody = $MailBody . ((isset($_POST["interet"]))?implode(",", $_POST["interet"]):"");

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Hello Jason,

A little delay in this project but now it's back.
With this syntax $MailBody = $MailBody . ((isset($_POST["interet"]))?implode(",", $_POST["interet"]):""); i don't receive anything in my email and i get some warning mesages :
Warning: implode() [function.implode]: Invalid arguments passed in /home/_pl/pnl/pub/ on line 68

Warning: implode() [function.implode]: Invalid arguments passed in /home/_pl/pnl/pub/ on line 69

Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/_pl/pnl/pub/ in /home/_pl/pnl/pub/ on line 99

As you can see i have tested various syntaxes on lines 67, 68, 69 respectively :
$MailBody = $MailBody . "line 67".((isset($_POST["interet"]))? ($_POST["interet"]):"")."";
$MailBody = $MailBody . "line 68".implode("<br/> ",((isset($_POST["interet"]))? ($_POST["interet"]):""))."";
$MailBody = $MailBody . "line 69".((isset($_POST["interet"]))?implode(",", $_POST["interet"]):"");

first syntax (line 67) send in the email line 671 Relation d\'aide, 2 Psychothérapie, 6 Entreprise (complete line email message is Mes intérêts :

line 671 Relation d\'aide, 2 Psychothérapie, 6 Entrepriseline 68line 69) but i want to have linr returns between data like
1 Relation d\'aide
2 Psychothérapie
6 Entreprise

i still have to utf8_decode and stripslashes the string but this is not a problem.

Thanks for you help

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Jason ByrnesWebAssist

ok, so this code is giving you close to what you want:

$MailBody = $MailBody . "line 67".((isset($_POST["interet"]))? ($_POST["interet"]):"")."";

but you want to replace the commas with line breaks, so change it to:

$MailBody = $MailBody . "line 67".((isset($_POST["interet"]))? str_replace(", ", "<br />", $_POST["interet"]):"")."";

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Thank you Jason,

I get wath i need now,great !

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Jason ByrnesWebAssist

you're welcome.

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