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Select List on Update

Thread began 3/25/2014 11:22 am by Daryl | Last modified 4/07/2014 10:39 am by Jason Byrnes | 3105 views | 14 replies |

DarylBeta Tester

Select List on Update

I have an Update page made with Data Assist and want the value in the database to select the appropriate value in the select list.

There used to be a lightning bolt in the properties after clicking on the select list, but this isn't available any more.

How can I go about this please?

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Jason ByrnesWebAssist

What version of Dreamweaver do you have installed?

if it is DW CC, make sure to install the depreciated server behaviors extension:

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DarylBeta Tester

Hi Jason

Ive made sure I've done that and also have deleted the MacCache file, but its still not showing..

Using Dreamweaver CC on a

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Jason ByrnesWebAssist

do you have the lightning bolt when selecting other form element types?

What happens if you open the bindings panel? go to window -> bindings

double check that the site settings are correct and that you are using a php page that is saved to the site.

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DarylBeta Tester

I have the bindings panel already.

If I select a text field, the lightning bolt is next to the Value field in the properties inspector.

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Jason ByrnesWebAssist

that is strange, In DWW CC, i see the dynamic lightning bolt in the properties inspector. try changing to strait design view instead of split view and select the list in design view?

what extension including the version numbers are installed?

What is your OS?

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DarylBeta Tester

Design View is still the same I'm afraid.

This is a screenshot of my Extension

Im running OSX 10.9.2

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Jason ByrnesWebAssist

there are more up to date versions of Data Bridge and eCart.

try uninstalling DB and eCart, then download the latest version from your download center.

if the probelm persists. try uninstalling and reinstalling the server behaviors extension.

after that, I'm afraid, you will need to contact Adobe support as the dynamic option in the property panel is a part of Dreamweaver, not a part of our extensions.

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DarylBeta Tester


Ive updated as suggested, restarted my machine etc etc but unfortunately its still not working... I have posted on the Adobe forum (over 10 hours ago, but as yet haven't had any replies).

Im trying to get the select list to show the recordset value as default for the update page.

Is there another way that I can achieve this or is the code fairly simple to write to insert a recordset binding into?

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Jason ByrnesWebAssist

if you don't have the dynamic binding, you would need to hand code each option, the code would look similar to this:

<option value="1" <?php if (!(strcmp(1, $row_recordsetName['columnName']))) {echo "selected=\"selected\"";} ?>>News</option>
<option value="2" <?php if (!(strcmp(2, $row_recordsetName['columnName']))) {echo "selected=\"selected\"";} ?>>Courses &amp; Seminars</option>
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