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Same as billing, form spry errors

Thread began 1/16/2014 9:08 am by Patrice | Last modified 1/17/2014 3:01 pm by Patrice | 4026 views | 36 replies |


Same as billing, form spry errors

Mac, DWCS6, new ecart6

1) when launching the display manager, I had an error message of "you won't see this element unless view>visual aids>invisible elements is checked… I reviewed settings and it was checked. Solution: deleted .dat file. HTH someone else.

2) At various steps, I have gotten "Error generating form: TypeError: wa.spry_shared has no properties. I said OK and continued. I suspect this error is causing a couple of issues: The cart is not displaying information (i.e., name, price etc.). Therefore an empty cart goes to a check out of confirm_cart.php with "undefined" on the page.

3) Shipping / billing: the top of the form has street address 1 and 2. When clicking on "same as billing" the first street address is populating the second street address.

This was an existing tester cart. I deleted the shop page, cart.php, confirm, etc and started fresh, using the same existing database.

I am wondering if the attached screen shot is incorrect for how to set up the object, since there isn't a checkout.php in the new one. This was the object used in the previous testing cart.


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I started over and was able to get the cart to show products. So that step is ok now. I didn't get the spry error this time (except when checking on the settings as in the screen shot). So guessing something has to change on settings? Checkout.php should go to cart.php?

However the shipping billing address line is an error.

And on checkout still going to undefined instead of going to paypal.

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New domain, fresh test.
This time selected express checkout so just shipping shows up.
Same spry error in settings.
Pressing checkout returns "null" error on confirm_cart.php.
Same settings layout, different domain name obviously.

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Jason ByrnesWebAssist

It looks some files may not have been overwritten on the installation.

We will be releasing an update to address an issue with the WA installer that we discovered last nigh later on this afternoon, that should correct the problem, or you can try renaming the configuration folder and reinstalling the extensions. see step 12 of the Adobe troubleshooting guide:

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Glad it wasn't me being dense. :-)
I'll wait for update instead of reinstalling all my extensions.
Thanks Jason.

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Jason ByrnesWebAssist

New Dot releases have been uploaded to the download section for:
eCart 6.0.1
Design Extender 1.1.7
Data Bridge 1.1.6
Free Tools 1.0.8

these versions should correct the problems you are having.

uninstall the previous versions from the extension manager, then install the new ones

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Is there a particular order, like in the past?

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Jason ByrnesWebAssist

No, the order should not matter any more.

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OK…progress. Lots of error messages, but followed thru and restarted DW. Recreated cart on tester. All worked. Uploaded, not only using DW, which sometimes doesn't get everything up, but also Transmit. Checked to see if all files were on server. All good.

Went to test shopping page, all good. Passed to cart.php. All good. Update quantity all good.

Check out went to a blank checkout.php page.



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Jason ByrnesWebAssist

a blank page means that a php error is occurring but error reporting is turned off.

to turn error reporting on, add the following code at line 1:



once we know what the error is, we will be able to troubleshoot the cause.

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