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Hi, for some reason Universal email send mail header wrongly to mail server.

Thread began 12/10/2013 2:10 am by juha.morsky57580 | Last modified 12/19/2013 9:54 am by Jason Byrnes | 2027 views | 10 replies |


Hi, for some reason Universal email send mail header wrongly to mail server.

Here is the mail source:

Please note row: Content-Type: text/html" there is extra ' " ' after text/html and it cause that receiver do not get mail in HTML format.

Then UTF-8 definition is missing as well from the header?


Received: from localhost
by (FAPPS Mail server 10.2) with ASMTP (SSL) id LPN74011;
Tue, 10 Dec 2013 11:47:34 +0200
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/html"
Subject: asiakastilaus
X-Priority: 3
Date: Tue, 10 Dec 2013 09:47:14 +0000 (UTC)
Return-Path: <>
Message-ID: <>

<style type="text/css">
body,td,th {
font-family: Verdana, Geneva, sans-serif;
<table width="100%" border="0" cellpadding="10">
<td><a href=""><img src="" width="326" height="41" /></a></td>
<h1>Tilaus <strong>1978</strong></h1>
<table width="100%" border="0">
<td width="12%" valign="top" bgcolor="#FFFFCC">Tilausnumero / aika</td>
<td width="88%" valign="top" bgcolor="#FFFFCC"><strong>1978 / 2013-12-10 11:45:37</strong></td>
<td valign="top" bgcolor="#FFFFCC">Toimitusosoite</td>
<td valign="top" bgcolor="#FFFFCC">xxx xxx tel: 044-+00000000<br />
Pihkatie 20 d 17<br />
15870 Hollola<br /></td>
<td valign="top" bgcolor="#FFFFCC">tilaajan email:</td>
<td valign="top" bgcolor="#FFFFCC"></td>
<table width="100%" border="0">
<td width="10%" valign="top" bgcolor="#FFFFCC"><strong>Tilausrivit</strong></td>
<td width="9%" valign="top" bgcolor="#FFFFCC"><strong>KPL</strong></td>
<td width="10%" valign="top" bgcolor="#FFFFCC"><strong>Tuotekoodi</strong></td>
<td width="21%" valign="top" bgcolor="#FFFFCC"><strong>Tuote</strong></td>
<td width="50%" valign="top" bgcolor="#FFFFCC"><strong>Koko</strong></td>
<td width="50%" valign="top" bgcolor="#FFFFCC"><strong>Hinta</strong></td>

<td valign="top">374</td>
<td valign="top">1</td>
<td valign="top">xx</td>
<td valign="top">xx / </td>
<td valign="top">10</td>
<td valign="top">xx.90</td>

<td valign="top">870</td>
<td valign="top">1</td>
<td valign="top">Sanuk_SMF1001_CHR</td>
<td valign="top">Sanuk/ Vagabond / CHR</td>
<td valign="top">10</td>
<td valign="top">59.00</td>

<p><a href=";id2=11">1. Tulosta lähetyslista tästä linkistä.<br />
<p><a href=";id2=11" target="_blank">2. Kun olet lähettänyt tilauksen eteenpäin, klikkaa tästä. Niin toimittaja ja Ostaja saavat tiedon tilauksen lähetyksestä</a></p>
<p><br />
Terveisin<br /> Asiakaspalvelu</p>


Here is php source:

$MailAttachments = "";
$MailBCC = "";
$MailCC = "";
$MailTo = "";
$MailBodyFormat = "";
$MailBody = "";
$MailImportance = "";
$MailFrom = "".$row_recParas['aspemail'] ."";
$MailSubject = $s_nimi;
$MailSubject = $MailSubject." asiakastilaus";

//Global Variables

$WA_MailObject = WAUE_Definition("/usr/share/pear/","xx.xx.xx.xx","25","xxxx","xxxx","true","","","","UTF-8");

if ($RecipientEmail) {
$WA_MailObject = WAUE_AddRecipient($WA_MailObject,$RecipientEmail);
else {
//To Entries

//Additional Headers

//Attachment Entries

//BCC Entries
$WA_MailObject = WAUE_AddBCC($WA_MailObject,"");

//CC Entries

//Body Format
$WA_MailObject = WAUE_BodyFormat($WA_MailObject,0);

//Set Importance
$WA_MailObject = WAUE_SetImportance($WA_MailObject,"3");

//Start Mail Body
$MailBody = $MailBody . "<html><head>\r\n";
$MailBody = $MailBody . "<style type=\"text/css\">\r\n";
$MailBody = $MailBody . "body,td,th {\r\n";
$MailBody = $MailBody . " font-family: Verdana, Geneva, sans-serif;\r\n";
$MailBody = $MailBody . "}\r\n";
$MailBody = $MailBody . "</style>\r\n";
$MailBody = $MailBody . "</head><body>\r\n";
$MailBody = $MailBody . "<table width=\"100%\" border=\"0\" cellpadding=\"10\">\r\n";
$MailBody = $MailBody . " <tr>\r\n";
$MailBody = $MailBody . " <td><a href=\"http://";
$MailBody = $MailBody . $s_nimi;
$MailBody = $MailBody . "\"><img src=\"";
$MailBody = $MailBody . $s_logo;
$MailBody = $MailBody . "\" width=\"326\" height=\"41\" /></a></td>\r\n";
$MailBody = $MailBody . " </tr>\r\n";
$MailBody = $MailBody . "</table>\r\n";
$MailBody = $MailBody . "<h1>Tilaus <strong>";
$MailBody = $MailBody . $row_recTilausrivit['order_id'];
$MailBody = $MailBody . "</strong></h1>\r\n";
$MailBody = $MailBody . "<table width=\"100%\" border=\"0\">\r\n";
$MailBody = $MailBody . " <tr>\r\n";
$MailBody = $MailBody . " <td width=\"12%\" valign=\"top\" bgcolor=\"#FFFFCC\">Tilausnumero / aika</td>\r\n";
$MailBody = $MailBody . " <td width=\"88%\" valign=\"top\" bgcolor=\"#FFFFCC\"><strong>";
$MailBody = $MailBody . $row_recTilausrivit['order_id'];
$MailBody = $MailBody . " / ";
$MailBody = $MailBody . $row_recTilausrivit['pvm'];
$MailBody = $MailBody . "</strong></td>\r\n";
$MailBody = $MailBody . " </tr>\r\n";
$MailBody = $MailBody . " <tr>\r\n";
$MailBody = $MailBody . " <td valign=\"top\" bgcolor=\"#FFFFCC\">Toimitusosoite</td>\r\n";
$MailBody = $MailBody . " <td valign=\"top\" bgcolor=\"#FFFFCC\">";
$MailBody = $MailBody . $row_recTilaaja['etunimi'];
$MailBody = $MailBody . " ";
$MailBody = $MailBody . $row_recTilaaja['sukunimi'];
$MailBody = $MailBody . " tel: ";
$MailBody = $MailBody . $row_recTilaaja['tel'];
$MailBody = $MailBody . "<br />\r\n";
$MailBody = $MailBody . " ";
$MailBody = $MailBody . $row_recTilaaja['street'];
$MailBody = $MailBody . "<br />\r\n";
$MailBody = $MailBody . " ";
$MailBody = $MailBody . $row_recTilaaja['zip'];
$MailBody = $MailBody . " ";
$MailBody = $MailBody . $row_recTilaaja['city'];
$MailBody = $MailBody . "<br /></td>\r\n";
$MailBody = $MailBody . " </tr>\r\n";
$MailBody = $MailBody . " <tr>\r\n";
$MailBody = $MailBody . " <td valign=\"top\" bgcolor=\"#FFFFCC\">tilaajan email:</td>\r\n";
$MailBody = $MailBody . " <td valign=\"top\" bgcolor=\"#FFFFCC\">";
$MailBody = $MailBody . $row_recTilaaja['mailiosoite'];
$MailBody = $MailBody . "</td>\r\n";
$MailBody = $MailBody . " </tr>\r\n";
$MailBody = $MailBody . " <tr>\r\n";
$MailBody = $MailBody . " <td>&nbsp;</td>\r\n";
$MailBody = $MailBody . " <td>&nbsp;</td>\r\n";
$MailBody = $MailBody . " </tr>\r\n";
$MailBody = $MailBody . "</table>\r\n";
$MailBody = $MailBody . "<table width=\"100%\" border=\"0\">\r\n";
$MailBody = $MailBody . " <tr>\r\n";
$MailBody = $MailBody . " <td width=\"10%\" valign=\"top\" bgcolor=\"#FFFFCC\"><strong>Tilausrivit</strong></td>\r\n";
$MailBody = $MailBody . " <td width=\"9%\" valign=\"top\" bgcolor=\"#FFFFCC\"><strong>KPL</strong></td>\r\n";
$MailBody = $MailBody . " <td width=\"10%\" valign=\"top\" bgcolor=\"#FFFFCC\"><strong>Tuotekoodi</strong></td>\r\n";
$MailBody = $MailBody . " <td width=\"21%\" valign=\"top\" bgcolor=\"#FFFFCC\"><strong>Tuote</strong></td>\r\n";
$MailBody = $MailBody . " <td width=\"50%\" valign=\"top\" bgcolor=\"#FFFFCC\"><strong>Koko</strong></td>\r\n";
$MailBody = $MailBody . " <td width=\"50%\" valign=\"top\" bgcolor=\"#FFFFCC\"><strong>Hinta</strong></td>\r\n";
$MailBody = $MailBody . " </tr>\r\n";
$MailBody = $MailBody . " ";
do {
$MailBody = $MailBody . "\r\n";
$MailBody = $MailBody . " <tr>\r\n";
$MailBody = $MailBody . " <td valign=\"top\">";
$MailBody = $MailBody . $row_recTilausrivit['tilausrivi'];
$MailBody = $MailBody . "</td>\r\n";
$MailBody = $MailBody . " <td valign=\"top\">";
$MailBody = $MailBody . $row_recTilausrivit['maara'];
$MailBody = $MailBody . "</td>\r\n";
$MailBody = $MailBody . " <td valign=\"top\">";
$MailBody = $MailBody . $row_recTilausrivit['prodno'];
$MailBody = $MailBody . "</td>\r\n";
$MailBody = $MailBody . " <td valign=\"top\">";
$MailBody = $MailBody . $row_recTilausrivit['valmistaja'];
$MailBody = $MailBody . "/ ";
$MailBody = $MailBody . $row_recTilausrivit['nimi'];
$MailBody = $MailBody . " / ";
$MailBody = $MailBody . $row_recTilausrivit['malli'];
$MailBody = $MailBody . "</td>\r\n";
$MailBody = $MailBody . " <td valign=\"top\">";
$MailBody = $MailBody . $row_recTilausrivit['koko'];
$MailBody = $MailBody . "</td>\r\n";
$MailBody = $MailBody . " <td valign=\"top\">";
$MailBody = $MailBody . $row_recTilausrivit['hinta'];
$MailBody = $MailBody . "</td>\r\n";
$MailBody = $MailBody . " </tr>\r\n";
$MailBody = $MailBody . " ";
} while ($row_recTilausrivit = mysql_fetch_assoc($recTilausrivit));
$MailBody = $MailBody . "\r\n";
$MailBody = $MailBody . "</table>\r\n";
$MailBody = $MailBody . "<p><a href=\"http://";
$MailBody = $MailBody . $s_nimi;
$MailBody = $MailBody . "/ware/pdf/pakkalistamail.php?id=";
$MailBody = $MailBody . $row_recTilaus['randomi'];
$MailBody = $MailBody . "&amp;id2=";
$MailBody = $MailBody . $row_recMailit['id'];
$MailBody = $MailBody . "\">1. Tulosta lähetyslista tästä linkistä.<br />\r\n";
$MailBody = $MailBody . "</a></p>\r\n";

$MailBody = $MailBody . "<p><a href=\"http://";
$MailBody = $MailBody . $s_nimi;
$MailBody = $MailBody . "/batch/prinettisend.php?ORDER_NUMBER=";
$MailBody = $MailBody . $row_recTilaus['id'];
$MailBody = $MailBody . "&amp;mid=";
$MailBody = $MailBody . $myyjaid;
$MailBody = $MailBody . "\">1.1 Tulosta Itellan rahtikirja tästä linkistä.<br />\r\n";
$MailBody = $MailBody . "</a></p>\r\n";

$MailBody = $MailBody . "<p><a href=\"http://";
$MailBody = $MailBody . $s_nimi;
$MailBody = $MailBody . "/ware/varastoonpano_email.php?id=";
$MailBody = $MailBody . $row_recTilaus['randomi'];
$MailBody = $MailBody . "&amp;id2=";
$MailBody = $MailBody . $row_recMailit['id'];
$MailBody = $MailBody . "\" target=\"_blank\">2. Kun olet lähettänyt tilauksen eteenpäin, klikkaa tästä. Niin toimittaja ja Ostaja saavat tiedon tilauksen lähetyksestä</a></p>\r\n";
$MailBody = $MailBody . "<p><br />\r\n";
$MailBody = $MailBody . " Terveisin<br />\r\n";
$MailBody = $MailBody . $s_nimi;
$MailBody = $MailBody . "Asiakaspalvelu</p>\r\n";
$MailBody = $MailBody . "<p>".$row_recParas['aspemail']."</p>\r\n";
$MailBody = $MailBody . "\r\n";
$MailBody = $MailBody . "</body></html>";
//End Mail Body

$WA_MailObject = WAUE_SendMail($WA_MailObject,$MailAttachments,$MailBCC,$MailCC,$MailTo,$MailImportance,$MailFrom,$MailSubject,$MailBody,"waue_return_3");

if (isset($_SESSION["waue_return_3_Status"])) {
$MailLogBindings = new WAUE_Log_Bindings();
//Start Log Bindings
//Success Or Failure
$MailLogBindings->SuccessOrFailure->ToDo = "none";
$MailLogBindings->SuccessOrFailure->Connection = "";
$MailLogBindings->SuccessOrFailure->TableName = "";
$MailLogBindings->SuccessOrFailure->EmailColumn = "";
$MailLogBindings->SuccessOrFailure->ColumnList = array();
$MailLogBindings->SuccessOrFailure->TypeList = array();
$MailLogBindings->SuccessOrFailure->ValueList = array();
//Success Only
$MailLogBindings->Success->ToDo = "none";
$MailLogBindings->Success->Connection = "";
$MailLogBindings->Success->TableName = "";
$MailLogBindings->Success->EmailColumn = "";
$MailLogBindings->Success->ColumnList = array();
$MailLogBindings->Success->TypeList = array();
$MailLogBindings->Success->ValueList = array();
//Failure Only
$MailLogBindings->Failure->ToDo = "none";
$MailLogBindings->Failure->Connection = "";
$MailLogBindings->Failure->TableName = "";
$MailLogBindings->Failure->EmailColumn = "";
$MailLogBindings->Failure->ColumnList = array();
$MailLogBindings->Failure->TypeList = array();
$MailLogBindings->Failure->ValueList = array();
//End Log Bindings
$MailLogBindings->SuccessOrFailure->MailRef = "waue_return_3";
$MailLogBindings->Success->MailRef = "waue_return_3";
$MailLogBindings->Failure->MailRef = "waue_return_3";
$MailLogBindings->processLog(($_SESSION["waue_return_3_Status"] == "Failure"));
$WA_MailObject = null;

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Jason ByrnesWebAssist

What version of Data Bridge are you using? I am not able to reproduce this using the latest version 1.1.4

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Databridge? Is this in the wrong Forum, because I'm not using Data Bridge at all..
I'm using Universal Email 4.0.1

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Jason ByrnesWebAssist

Ok, the stand alone version of UE was discontinued some time ago and replaced by Data Bridge.

In the download section for Universal Email, there is a known issue fix for Pear Mail issues, have you installed that fix?

if you have the problem after installing the Known issue fix, please send a copy of the WA_UnicversalEmail/mail_php.php and mailformating.php files.

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Do I have to recreate mails again after the installation?
After the installation of XML file, DW says following when opening the php-file
"While executingfindServerBehaviours inCreateEmailMessage_WA_.htm aJavaScript error Occurred."

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here are the files

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Jason ByrnesWebAssist

YEs, you will need to re apply the server behavior after adding the update

for the error, Delete the Dreamweaver Cache file from the users configuration folder:

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I follow this "", how ever error still occurred.
Did you check my attchments?

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Jason ByrnesWebAssist

I'll need to troubleshoot directly, see the private message section.

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I I tried to reinstall Universal Mail and delete cache files , but this error sill pops up.
I even uninstal WA-Cart and some other WA extension, but it do not help!

What to do?

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