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Charging Different Base Shipping in eCart5 (i.e., one for U.S., one for Canada, one for Rest of World)

Thread began 9/30/2013 4:13 pm by Sara | Last modified 10/01/2013 11:59 am by Sara | 2658 views | 10 replies |


Charging Different Base Shipping in eCart5 (i.e., one for U.S., one for Canada, one for Rest of World)

I'm a law professor, not a programmer, so I see references that glance at this topic but none is as explicit as I need it to be.

In what file and at what line number should I insert what .php language that would enable me to charge one base shipping rate for U.S. customers, a second base shipping rate for Canadian customers, and a third base shipping rate for everyone else? I suspect that it should go in eCart1_PHP.php but really don't know, and if I start adding some "IFs" on my own I'll tank my whole site, which is otherwise completed.

If it's easier, I can make the change using the dialog box in the eCart Object that pertains to shipping, but none of the suggested rules in the drop-down menu has anything to do with the country of the customer.

Please help! Thanks so much.

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Jason ByrnesWebAssist

you need to make the shipping rule in the eCart object.

The Shipping Country is stored in a session variable named:

So your shipping rules will use the trigger "Based on session variable Value"

for example, For the US:
"Based on session variable value"
If the session variable 'eCartCheckoutForm_shipping_country' is '=' value of 'US'

for Canada:
"Based on session variable value"
If the session variable 'eCartCheckoutForm_shipping_country' is '=' value of 'CA'

For the rest of the World
"Session Varibale Exists"
Session Variable Name: 'eCartCheckoutForm_shipping_country'

"Based on session variable value"
If the session variable 'eCartCheckoutForm_shipping_country' is '!=' value of 'CA'

"Based on session variable value"
If the session variable 'eCartCheckoutForm_shipping_country' is '!=' value of 'US'

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Should all three rules (US, CA, elsewhere) share the title "Shipping & Handling," or does it matter?

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Jason ByrnesWebAssist

they should use separate names.

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When I hit "OK" after creating each rule, I get this error message:

While executing onClick in WA eCart Object.htm, the following JavaScript error(s) occurred:

At line 454 of file
treeNodes[newIndex] has no properties

And I can't close the dialog without canceling out.

This might be because I gave all three rules the same title, thinking that the program would look for rules "Shipping & Handling," then deleted them and created new rules with different names. But the program can't hold that against me forever, which is what it's doing now. I can't effect any change in the Shipping tab of the dialog box.

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Jason ByrnesWebAssist

the code for the rules will need to be deleted manually from the eCart1_PHP.php page, send a copy of that page, and i'll tell you what code to delete.

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Here's the file. Thanks for your help.

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Jason ByrnesWebAssist

change line 81 - 83:
$this->Shipping[] = new WA_eCart_Rule(urldecode("Shipping%20&%20Handling"), true, "WAEC_eCart1_ShippingHandlingElsewhere");
$this->Shipping[] = new WA_eCart_Rule(urldecode("Shipping%20&%20Handling"), true, "WAEC_eCart1_ShippingHandlingElsewhere");
$this->Shipping[] = new WA_eCart_Rule(urldecode("Shipping%20&%20Handling"), true, "WAEC_eCart1_ShippingHandlingElsewhere");

$this->Shipping[] = new WA_eCart_Rule(urldecode("Shipping%20&%20Handling"), true, "WAEC_eCart1_ShippingHandlingElsewhere");

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Last question, most likely a stupid one: Does the script go through the rules one by one and test them, so that only the first listed one (US) needs to ask whether the cart contains more than zero items? Or do all of the rules need to have that qualifier?

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Jason ByrnesWebAssist

all need to have that qualifier

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