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Required Fields if Checkbox Selected

Thread began 7/01/2013 2:10 pm by Daryl | Last modified 7/15/2013 2:27 pm by Jason Byrnes | 3082 views | 23 replies |

DarylBeta Tester

Required Fields if Checkbox Selected

Is there a way that I can make a text field or text fields required if a particular checkbox from a group of checkboxes is selected?

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Jason ByrnesWebAssist

Takes a little hand coding but conditional validation can be done, see the following post by Ray for details:

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DarylBeta Tester

Hi Jason

That mostly makes sense to me, however I am using a radio button group and I would like the validation to work if a specific radio button is checked.

The way Form Builder has made the group means that all of them have the same name but a different id.

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Jason ByrnesWebAssist

ok, using rays example of the phone number field

  <?php echo((isset($_POST['phoneNumber'])?$_POST['phoneNumber']:"")); ?>

Now update it to use:
<?php echo((isset($_POST['callMe'])?$_POST['phoneNumber']:"(222) 222-2222")); ?>  

you could update that to compare the call me field to a specific value:
<?php echo(((isset($_POST['callMe']) && $_POST['callMe'] = "yes")?$_POST['phoneNumber']:"(222) 222-2222")); ?>

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DarylBeta Tester

I have tried replicating the code that you have suggested based on the code generated by Form Builder.

I have ended up with

<?php echo((isset($_GET["EmploymentStatus"]) && $_GET['EmploymentStatus'] = "Employed")?ValidatedField("ApplicationForm","EmployersName"):"")); ?>

However this produces a Syntax error in dreamweaver.

I wasnt sure what I would use for the validation part, you used a telephone number example, as this is just a required field

Code for the Radio Button

<input type="radio" name="EmploymentStatus" id="EmploymentStatus__1" value="Employed" class="formRadioField_Standard" <?php if (!(strcmp((isset($_GET["invalid"])?ValidatedField("ApplicationForm","EmploymentStatus"):""),"Employed"))) {echo "checked=\"checked\"";} ?> tabindex="19">

Code for the Form Field that only requires validation if the above button is checked

<input id="EmployersName" name="EmployersName" type="text" value="<?php echo((isset($_GET["invalid"])?ValidatedField("ApplicationForm","EmployersName"):"")); ?>" class="formTextfield_Large" tabindex="24" onBlur="hideServerError('EmployersName_ServerError');">

Also I am unsure as to why everything is $_GET when the form was created as $_POST and also submits using $_POST

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Jason ByrnesWebAssist

I dont believe you aere editing the correct code.

it looks like you editing the value of the form element and not the server validations

send a copy of the page with out the change, and i can tell you what code needs to be edited.

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DarylBeta Tester

I have attached the page as requested.

I also get a Syntax error for one of the Spry Validations but have found that if I manually change the code as the names dont match then it is ok. I am unsure why this is happening as this is generated code.

Thank you Jason!

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Jason ByrnesWebAssist

ok, so the required validation for the employers name is at line 22:

$WAFV_Errors .= WAValidateRQ((isset($_POST["EmployersName"])?$_POST["EmployersName"]:"") . "",true,12);

to make that required only if the Employment status is set to employed, change that to:
$WAFV_Errors .= WAValidateRQ(((isset($_POST["EmploymentStatus"]) && $_POST["EmploymentStatus"] == "Employed")?$_POST["EmployersName"]:"") . "NA",true,12);

as for the spry validation, which one is giving the syntax error?

one issue i see in your form is that you have some form element names that are not valid.

for exaample the declaration select lists use numbers and the underscore character as the first character in the name. When naming form elements, you should follow these rules:

1) only use letters and numbers, the only exception is the underscore.
2) The first character of a form element name must be a letter.

NOTE: You will need to delete the following line for spry validation, spry does not support conditional validation:
var EmployersName_Spry = new Spry.Widget.ValidationTextField("EmployersName_Spry", "none",{validateOn:["blur"]});

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DarylBeta Tester

Thank you for the comment about the numbering issue. It was just because it was question 1, question 2 etc.

I have change this and it has sorted the Syntax error that was occuring

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Jason ByrnesWebAssist

Yeah, spaces cant be used in form element names either, instead of "question 1" for the name, you should use "question_1" or "question1"

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