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Feedback on new extension idea requested

Thread begun 3/24/2009 7:23 pm by Joe Lowery | Last modified 4/04/2009 9:03 am by caricatu310873 | 4420 views | 7 replies |

Joe Lowery

Feedback on new extension idea requested

We're considering creating a new extension that would generate CSS-based themes for your websites--and we'd love to hear what you think!

We've created a short survey (5 questions) and hope you'll take a moment to complete it:


Please note: If you're one of the oh-so-lucky customers who received an email request to fill out the survey, please follow that link rather than the public one. This is the first time we're surveying both privately and publicly and need to gather as much info as possible.

After you've completed the survey and if you've got more say, please drop back by here and let us know your thoughts. I'm interested what you think of this idea: good, bad, terrible, awesome--whatever, you call it!

Thanks for your continued support in helping us build tools so you can build better websites.

Best - Joe
Joseph Lowery
VP, Product Management, WebAssist

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I think the biggest thing is this, do NOT create tables within this tool and I'll buy it, as long as it generates div tags in lieu of the tables!

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Joe Lowery

Our vision of this product is that it would generate CSS styles that would be applied to your pages, not HTML. This extension would give users a consistent look-and-feel across their site, whether applied at the beginning of a site design or in the middle.

Best - Joe

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I don't really understand what this will do. You mean like styling the background color, heading tags, links etc? If so I don't know how useful that would be. Couldn't I just use CSS Sculptor to create this CSS and add it to a new or existing site? Granted this creates HTML and a full page but I'm thinking I could just embed the styles and then copy them over into a style sheet.

Am I missing something here?

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Joe Lowery

Styling the background color, heading tags, links, etc. is just the start of what we're considering with this tool. In addition to create CSS rules for all the basics you mention, we'll also create a consistent look-and-feel for lists, tables, form elements, and so on. Moreover, it could protentially style all Spry (or other JavaScript framework elements) layout widgets, like accordion panels and tabbed menus--in all the various required states--for you, so they'd fit into your site design. This tool would also tie into our other extensions, so you could, for example, take a CSS Sculptor layout that you'd created and extend it's design style to the rest of the elements in your site or, conversely, you could take a design created in this tool and apply it in Sculptor. Same two-way functionality with CSS Menu Writer, SiteAssist Pro, DataAssist, eCart, etc.

Does that sound like something you could use?

Best - Joe

P.S. Be sure to take the survey, if you haven't, to see what else we're considering.

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If one was to purchase one of the suites would they be able to receive this tool at no charge once it's released?

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caricatu310873Beta Tester

Originally Said By: Joe Lowery
  Styling the background color, heading tags, links, etc. is just the start of what we're considering with this tool. In addition to create CSS rules for all the basics you mention, we'll also create a consistent look-and-feel for lists, tables, form elements, and so on. Moreover, it could protentially style all Spry (or other JavaScript framework elements) layout widgets, like accordion panels and tabbed menus--in all the various required states--for you, so they'd fit into your site design. This tool would also tie into our other extensions, so you could, for example, take a CSS Sculptor layout that you'd created and extend it's design style to the rest of the elements in your site or, conversely, you could take a design created in this tool and apply it in Sculptor. Same two-way functionality with CSS Menu Writer, SiteAssist Pro, DataAssist, eCart, etc.

Does that sound like something you could use?

Best - Joe

P.S. Be sure to take the survey, if you haven't, to see what else we're considering.  

Is this like applying a css stylesheet to all pages? or is it a CSS style editor that creates css style sheets?

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caricatu310873Beta Tester

Originally Said By: *nixtechno
  I think the biggest thing is this, do NOT create tables within this tool and I'll buy it, as long as it generates div tags in lieu of the tables!  

I agree. No Tables.

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