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Building Form. Keep getting and error and Dreamweaver crashes

Thread began 3/20/2013 2:41 pm by frank375703 | Last modified 9/09/2013 1:40 pm by Jason Byrnes | 7274 views | 51 replies |


Building Form. Keep getting and error and Dreamweaver crashes

I am building a form to place in a website and I have done it in 2 parts. First I created the form and edited all the fields. then I hit "finish". the form exists in my webpage. Then i went back in to edit the design. I went through all the options and then hit "finish" and get an error. the error reads:

"While executing onMouseDown in WAFB_AddForm.htm, the following Javascript error(s) occurred:

At line 4179 of file "Belial:Library:Application Support:Adobe:Dreamweaver CS6:en_US:Configuration:Shared:WebAssist:Services:fb_shared_functions.js":DWfile.getAttributes(orig) has no properties

Then Dreamweaver crashes and I lose all my formatting. I have redone this a few times, wasted a lot of time and energy and am getting no where. My client is breathing down my throat and I don't understand why this is happening. Earlier this week i created a test version and did the whole process and got my form results and felt pretty confident that when I had to make the actual form for my client it was go very easily.

I researched your forum and the only advice I saw was to go to Window > Work Space Layout > Reset (showthread.php?t=29781). I then had to reactive Data Bridge and then I get the same results. What am I doing wrong? I bought these extensions to make my life easier and have this go quickly, yet here I am stalled and frustrated.

as you can see from this link, the form is in my page but default formatting is applied. appointments.php

Please help.

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here is line 4179 if (DWfile.getAttributes(orig).indexOf("D") >= 0) {

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Jason ByrnesWebAssist

here is an updated copy of the Configuration:Shared:WebAssist:Services: fb_shared_functions.js file that should correct the error

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Hi Jason, I didnt see any attached file with your post. where do i download it?

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Jason ByrnesWebAssist

My Applogies, it should be attached to my reply now.

Attached Files
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Thank you! One more question. Where do I put the file? When I search my iMac, there isnt any file path like that.

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Jason ByrnesWebAssist

see this tutorial for details on locating the users configuration folder:

the file goes in Configuration:Shared:WebAssist:Services: fb_shared_functions.js

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On new mac mini, again having issues

i getting this error message

"While executing onChange in WAFB_AddForm.htm, the following Javascript error(s) occurred:

At line 4179 of file "Belial:Library:Application Support:Adobe:Dreamweaver CS6:en_US:Configuration:Shared:WebAssist:Services:fb_shared_functions.js":DWfile.getAttributes(orig) has no properties".

Additionally i cant see a preview of my form and im getting a message that says

"Error generating preview: TypeError: DWfile.getAttributes(orig) has no properties"

I have already reset my layout, deleted the macdata file and restarted dreamweaver.

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Jason ByrnesWebAssist

have you installed the updated the file from message 5?

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yes. did that too. and now when i try and update the form, it eliminates all web contents except for the form itself.

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