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Help... Trees are thick... no light in sight!

Thread began 6/12/2009 2:15 pm by perry382014 | Last modified 6/16/2009 11:57 am by Neil Beadle | 3272 views | 5 replies |


Help... Trees are thick... no light in sight!

Okay so I purchased this thinking it was going to be the answer to all my form problems and maybe it is but I can't figure out what the hell to do with this thing.
I get to Step Two and the instructions say "apply your template" and peace out...

I got through step one okay but I do not have a template... just a standard html page created in Dreamweaver CS4. It's an existing Contact Us page with a phone number and email... right below that I want to add a contact form... a simple one with name, email address and comments. How do I do this? Do I use Dreamweavers Insert/Form/Text Field?

Can someone give me a small toturial? I'm totally lost.

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Ray BorduinWebAssist

Take your existing page and turn it into a template in DW. That way the rest of the steps will be applicable.

I would start by uploading all of the sample files to my server and making sure they work before doing any changes. That way if there are problems with your settings they won't be confused with problems in moving the code to a new page.

If you want to do it on on existing page without creating a template:

It won't work on a .html page, so you would want to rename your page to .php.

Then you could copy all of the code before the <html> tag on the sample page and paste it to your existing page.

Then you could copy the <form> and all of its contents from the sample page to your existing page where you want the form to be displayed.

Then copy and paste any <script> tags from the sample page to your existing page.

That should be it. The functionality is achieved through server code, an html form, and client scripts so once you copy and paste those things it should work on any page.

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Where is the sample page? Are you refering to the contactus.php?

Dreamweaver also asks if I want to use a testing server for php... what do I put for that?

you said "uploading all the sample files to my server" - where's that?

Where do I put all this stuff you're talking about in the html document? Anywhere?

Here's the code from the page... can you add red text or something to explain what you're talking about?

Thanks a million! I'm getting a considerable amout of greif because he want this done NOW... which is why I purchased your "easy" program.

I can provide you my email address if that would make it easier

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Neil Beadle

Here's what you need to do at this point...

1. Upload your files to your server to test your settings and see if your Contact Form works.
2. Create a Dreamweaver template based off of the HTML page you already have.
For instructions on creating Dreamweaver templates go here: 28_converting_a_page_to_a_template.htm.
- You will want to create an editable region in the template that would be where the contact form content is to display.
To apply your new template to your page, open your contactus.php page in Dreamweaver and follow the steps found here: WScbb6b82af5544594822510a94ae8d65-7a86a.html

3. If you want any additional text to appear on the contact form page, you can type directly onto the contact form page in Design View of Dreamweaver. Note that since you will be using a DW template, you will only be able to type within editable regions.

*Do not worry about Testing Server settings for Dreamweaver. If you do not have a testing server, just upload your files to your live server for testing.
*Please let us know how you get on with each of these steps.

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Man.... what? I'm so tired of trying to understand all this mumbo jumbo. Your web site makes it look sooooo easy. I ran across those comments on Dreamweaver and I can now understand the pathetically low rating. I think I'll add to it... yeesh.

Sure wish I didn't pay $30 bucks for it... ugg

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Neil Beadle

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WebAssist provides free technical support to all customers to make sure that everyone is successful with their purchase. Have you submitted a support ticket yet?

Go here: techsupportinsert_1.php and a support technician will work with you to make sure you accomplish what you need with the contact form.

With that said, where did you fall down? Did the contact form not work on your live server? Were you unable to get it to look the way you wanted?

Let us know, so that we can help you.

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