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Unofficial 'How to' forum

Thread begun 3/12/2009 4:08 am by CraigR | Last modified 5/03/2014 12:21 am by CraigR | 8167 views | 11 replies |

CraigRBeta Tester

Unofficial 'How to' forum

How about creating an forum for the above.

I am in the process of completing my second ecommerce site, (first in php) and have learned a lot recently, which is needed to round out ecart.

Key topics such as

inventory control
preventing customers adding more to the cart than you have in stock
managing paypal ipn
tailoring voucher/discount code to allow database updating etc etc

have all been things i have learned to do by browsing through the forums and picking up tips

a 'how to' forum would not only be good for other users, but those posting (such as myself) may find better ways of achieving their goals

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David StringerBeta Tester

Originally Said By: CraigR
  How about creating an forum for the above.

I am in the process of completing my second ecommerce site, (first in php) and have learned a lot recently, which is needed to round out ecart.

Key topics such as

inventory control
preventing customers adding more to the cart than you have in stock
managing paypal ipn
tailoring voucher/discount code to allow database updating etc etc

have all been things i have learned to do by browsing through the forums and picking up tips

a 'how to' forum would not only be good for other users, but those posting (such as myself) may find better ways of achieving their goals  

Could we not do all this in the new Power Store forum?

It seems the logical place to post all the items you mention!


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CraigRBeta Tester

I don't think so.

I haven't purchased power store, and when I wrote this message, power store wasn't launched.

Also the 'how to' I mentioned was one example of many different areas which could be covered.

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David StringerBeta Tester

Originally Said By: CraigR
  I don't think so.

I haven't purchased power store, and when I wrote this message, power store wasn't launched.

Also the 'how to' I mentioned was one example of many different areas which could be covered.  

Don't beat about the bush, get straight to the point ;-)

I just felt that most of what you refer to is connected with retailing over the internet, or certainly with a 'shopping cart' or Power Store. I don't think we need to be restricted to how many forums WebAssist can provide, there's plenty of room on the internet yet!!

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I could benefit from these topics.
I'm having problems and can't seen to find an answer.
Where do I post?
Where are the troubleshooting guides?

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David StringerBeta Tester

Don't wait!

Originally Said By: RGNelson
  I could benefit from these topics.
I'm having problems and can't seen to find an answer.
Where do I post?
Where are the troubleshooting guides?

In the absence of a dedicated forum, why not start here?

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CraigRBeta Tester

re link to your site, where's the forum !?

I'm not particularly looking for solutions, I'm offering to help other developers achieve them

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David StringerBeta Tester

Originally Said By: CraigR
  re link to your site, where's the forum !?

I'm not particularly looking for solutions, I'm offering to help other developers achieve them  

The forum is not on my own personal site, obviously!
My suggestion was this site.

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CraigRBeta Tester



Re-read yr message.

I now understand where you're coming from.

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David StringerBeta Tester

Originally Said By: CraigR

Re-read yr message.

I now understand where you're coming from.  

I'm sure we're both coming from the same place.

Like you, I own many WebAssist extensions, but until lately haven't used them to any great extent. However, when they decided to release Power Store, they got me interested in formulating a database shopping basket. Particularly as I'd just been asked to build two sites with exactly this facility. I have used two other shopping baskets for many years, which didn't answer what my client wants on this occasion.

Sooo, I'm keen to pick up any expertise in this direction and, if possible, help other people on the way!!

My main problem at the moment is that the client wants to be able to include the availablility of sizes and colours and Power Store won't do it! Ray Borduin does say that in the future this may be included, but I'd prefer to not wait that long! I'm off on my holiers tomorrow, so he may have done it by the time I return.

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