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Order Date Column

Thread began 6/05/2009 2:06 pm by jenbar3378469 | Last modified 6/08/2009 3:58 pm by Ray Borduin | 3932 views | 9 replies |


Order Date Column

Hi, when going to the confirm.php page, I am now getting this error: Field 'OrderDate' doesn't have a default value

What do I have to do to set a default date in the OrderDate field? If I need to set it in MySQL can you please tell me the syntax? I have been working on this off and on all day and have had no luck setting a default for the date column.


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Ray BorduinWebAssist

You could set the default to: CURRENT_TIMESTAMP in the mySQL database. (make sure the column is type TIMESTAMP)

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Ok, I think I have all of the MySQL errors fixed! However I am now getting this error:

Warning: mail() [function.mail]: SMTP server response: 501 Syntax error, parameters in command "RCPT TO:<Jane Doe <>>" unrecognized or missing in D:\www\\sumidrive\WA_Universal_Email\mail_PHP.php on line 254

Obviously the code is incorrect in my universal email settings. It will not send a receipt to the person ordering the items or anybody for that matter.

Line 254 of the mail_PHP.php file has this:

$mailObj = mail($mailTo,$mailSubject,$mailContent,$mailHeader);

Again, any help would be appreciated! Thanks!

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Ray BorduinWebAssist

What do you have set as the value of the TO field in the email? The error implies it may not be set correctly.

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Here is the code for the To: field

if ((($_SERVER["REQUEST_METHOD"] == "POST") && (isset($_SERVER["HTTP_REFERER"]) && strpos(urldecode($_SERVER["HTTP_REFERER"]), urldecode($_SERVER["SERVER_NAME"].$_SERVER["PHP_SELF"])) > 0) && isset($_POST))) {
//WA Universal Email object="mail"
//Send Loop Once Per Entry
$RecipientEmail = "".((isset($_SESSION["eCartCheckoutForm_firstname"]))?$_SESSION["eCartCheckoutForm_firstname"]:"") ." ".((isset($_SESSION["eCartCheckoutForm_lastname"]))?$_SESSION["eCartCheckoutForm_lastname"]:"") ."|WA|".((isset($_SESSION["eCartCheckoutForm_email"]))?$_SESSION["eCartCheckoutForm_email"]:"") ."";include("WA_Universal_Email/WAUE_confirm_3.php");

//Send Mail All Entries
if (""!="") {
header("Location: ");

Please advise.


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Ray BorduinWebAssist

Just use:

$RecipientEmail = "".((isset($_SESSION["eCartCheckoutForm_email"]))?$_SESSION["eCartCheckoutForm_email"]:"") ."";include("WA_Universal_Email/WAUE_confirm_3.php");

Some mail objects don't support adding a name to the TO address.

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Ok, I did that & no errors, but now it is doing nothing. When I click on the submit order button it refreshes quickly to same page, does not email anything off and never goes to the checkout_success.php or checkout_failure.php pages.

Here is the code for the mail form:
if ((($_SERVER["REQUEST_METHOD"] == "POST") && (isset($_SERVER["HTTP_REFERER"]) && strpos(urldecode($_SERVER["HTTP_REFERER"]), urldecode($_SERVER["SERVER_NAME"].$_SERVER["PHP_SELF"])) > 0) && isset($_POST))) {
//WA Universal Email object="mail"
//Send Loop Once Per Entry
$RecipientEmail = "".$_SESSION['eCartCheckoutForm_email'] ."";include("WA_Universal_Email/WAUE_confirm_3.php");

//Send Mail All Entries
if (""!="") {
header("Location: ");

Here is the code for the "Submit" Button:

<input type="image" alt="Modify information" value="Modify information" src="WA_eCart/Images/Pacifica/Btn2_EN_modifyinformation.gif" onclick="history.back();return false;"/><input type="image" name="Submit_order" id="Submit_order" value="Checkout" alt="Submit order" src="WA_eCart/Images/Pacifica/Btn2_EN_submitorder.gif" />

I don't see where it is directing it anywhere in that code.


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Ray BorduinWebAssist

I think the redirect code is in the store cart details in database server behavior.

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Thanks Ray! Everything worked with that!

BUT now My Order ID numbers are not progressing. In other words, when someone places a new order, it wipes out the old order in the database. I have the OrderId column in the MySQL database marked as the primary key and for auto increment.

Thanks for all of your help!

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Ray BorduinWebAssist

It would increment for a new user. The problem is that your session isn't cleared so it is treating it as the same shopping session. You can probably solve the problem by clearing the orderID session variable on the success page.

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