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PowerStore3 updating currency

Thread began 6/01/2010 11:37 pm by Kuler338606 | Last modified 6/10/2010 5:03 pm by Neil Beadle | 5338 views | 21 replies |


PowerStore3 updating currency

2 things I need to know. I have successfully loaded powerstore to a domain name and by-passed all the problems during this time until I finished following instructions to change currency. I completed instructions and uploaded the files to server and the admin area is still showing $ instead of £. I don't know which pages I am supposed to change after the main ones in instructions. It simply says now do this to all the other pages, I'm sorry you may have done this hundreds of times but this is my first and I need clearer instructions than that. Which pages and in what folders (should I just go into every file in site and change every $ to £ where ever I find them?
2nd problem: I received an update to Powerstore via e mail to correct some problems. The question is this, if I have to overwrite this programme at any time I assume it will wipe out all the currency changes I have made to the site. I know I can just update the individual files but for a major upgrade I assume I would lose all. This begs the question why have you not got a UK version of this programme with the £ as an alternative to the $. Am I the only person from UK who has bought this. Also when I finally reset this copy to £ I will have to do it all over again when (if ever) I purchase another Powerstore. WHY WOULD I with these problems. Would it not be sensible for me to load a fully conversed $ to £ copy to your servers in my control panel so that I could download a UK copy each time I wanted a new copy.

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Eric Mittman

We are working on the currency document to ensure that it is more complete and directs you to all instances. What pages do you have with the $ still on them? I can give you pointers on where to make the updates for these.

As for the newly updated PS files when you add them to your site it will undo any customizations that you have made, so you would need to go back and make these updates for the currency again after loading the new files.

I understand how inconvenient this is for our international users so I have ensured that a feature request has been filed for PowerStore, the request asks to have this functionality present in the admin settings for the store so that it can be updated once for the entire store. I do not have any ETA on this update though.

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Currency - Sterling

I too am having so many problems with changing currency. The pdf explains to open up files in design view and change all $ to the new currency. I did this but there are so many $ signs to change. I uploaded to server and there were so many errors in the script.
Could you please indicate which $ to change as there are many in the code when the page is switched to code view.

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Eric Mittman

I understand that the document is lacking in this and would like to help you get it all working. What is the page you are looking into and I will help you with the updates that need to be made on that page.

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Updating Currency

Is it just the image files that require changing or does any code (apart from Javascript) need amending.
It is the code which is confusing as in design view cart.php no $ can be seen unless you go into the php code and then there are several lines to change. This is the situation for all pages that you recommend changing in the support files.

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$ to £ issues

Eric, When I bought this program there was only mention of how easy it is to hand over to clients and make a quick buck (as u Americans would say).
This might be the case if you are using $, but not with £'s as I have already pointed out to you. I spent less that 1 day setting my first Powerstore up and up to now 6 days changing the $ to £ and there are another 57,600 to do if you check the find $ in search (Dreamweaver) with NO instructions to which of those I should change. I have better things to do than spend all my time in this forum and trying to figure out this mess.
There is no way I am hand coding these changes I would have to charge my clients £5000 per store and then tell them if there are any future updates or security fixes you will lose it all again and I will have to charge you another £5000 to put it right. I would be laughed out of the building with shotgun pellets burning holes in my a___.
I already own Software which allows me to choose any currency in the world with one click, it has free updates for life and I can build 5,000 web sites with it if I choose and place them on as many domain names as I choose. The reason I went for the Web Assist software was because it's more up market and gives more options to owners as I could allow them to use without giving them a copy of my software. It all seemed perfect, BUT Eric you can see the pitfalls for UK users and it is completely uneconomical for me as a UK user. Bearing all this in mind there is only one way to solve this as I see it and that is to refund my money. I was totally misled and mis-sold this product which is a complete waste of time to me and more importantly my client (It's already made me look incompetent in the eyes of my client and I will not be ordering any more until or unless you can sort out the Currency problem. I know what your policy says at point of purchase (NO REFUNDS) but the above is not mentioned or covered before purchase. Here in the UK I would sue you for that if I had to and I would get my money back for sure. I await your answer with interest as I have other Web Assist products also.

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Currency issues

I completely agree with the comments Kuler has made. I thought I was losing my mind when I saw all those $ symbols and the almost the throw away remark by saying "all that has to be done is...".
There was no mention in the sales information that these changes had to be done manually for it to work as stated.
I myself am beginning to look foolish as my client is wondering what is going on with the website. It is all well and good stating that as yet no timescale has been set for a global fix. The currency issues should have been made clear at the start and that PowerStore would not work with other currencies unless manual code changes are made by the purchaser (which of course defeats the object of purchasing this software).

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Like in other messages about this I had suggested WA make the changes for £ and let us download that and one for the euro guys too.


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Eric Mittman

To anyone looking to make updates to the currency with PowerStore you should use the document as a guide for this. There is no need to all of the $ that you see in the code. In php the $ is used for variables so there are many of them and almost all of them have nothing to do with the currency being displayed.

You should only be concerned with the $ that are used as a currency symbol. The document covers almost all of these specific pages and areas to update. Any that are not referenced with a specific line number should only be updated if you see them in the design view for that page.

If you go through the doc and still have currency symbols that are not updated please let us know and we will help you with it.


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$ to £ in Powerstore

Eric I understand very easily what you are saying about this product, but! you are missing the point or avoiding it. I was mis-sold this product. I would not have entertained it if I had known about this lack of choice of currency for this product and that I will not be able to update or alter it in the future without losing all the changes.
In the first instant I need to charge my client 3 times what I gave him as a first estimate due to the time spent making the changes (he was ecstatic about that) and said why should he pay for something that has nothing to do with him, it's a fault in the product that should have been highlighted from the start (before purchase). I spent some 20-30 hours making the changes and another few hours reading and being in this forum, and looks likely there is more to come.
For these reasons and several others, it's not a viable product and it certainly is not value for money to me, as it first seemed.
Eric, I don't want to spend my time in this way when I already own (for life with unlimited domains) a shopping cart builder (Coffee Cup) that is ready to go out of the box with UK and all world currencies included, with no hidden extras.
Eric, I want my money back and NO other solution. Please reply with a refund.

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