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adding Captcha to an existing form

Thread began 5/17/2010 6:31 pm by cal375160 | Last modified 8/26/2010 7:55 am by Jason Byrnes | 4564 views | 18 replies |


adding Captcha to an existing form

How can I add the "captcha" feature to an existing form (created by Security Assist)? I can't find any documentation on that.



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I recommend that you create new form from CSS Form builder.
Last few weeks i practice with simple contact form to understand it and it is well design and you could changed or customize the form so many different way so try with CSS Form builder

and we know practice make you success (?)..

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Eric Mittman

If you were editing an existing form with CSS Form Builder you would want to add in the Security group, this will contain the captcha and the security question.

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how to add in security group - instructions are where?

OK, I also need to add a captcha to an existing website.
Where are there instructions on adding in the security group. Which webassist tool is this in?

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Eric Mittman

You add this with CSS Form Builder. There are no guides for getting the Security Group on the page, you just need to make use of the tool and select the Security Group. You can find out information on using this tool on the support page for it:


You should start with the getting started guide and check out the How To area as well.

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now got errors

Thanks for the point to instructions.
I successfully edited the existing form following the instructions. I added a Security group as I needed. But when I do the last Finish link I get the errors I'm attaching as images.

I read a thread that suggested deleting the Mac.....dat files and restarting Dreamweaver, which I did. Then I went back through all the Form edit steps and adding the security group, but I get the same errors.

What next?

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Eric Mittman

You may want to try deleting the dat file like this. Close DW, go to the dat file and delete it, then open DW again. Before making use of anything close it again and go back to the dat file and delete it one more time. I had something like this happen to me the other day and I was able to resolve it by deleting the file twice.

If this does not work for you then you may have a corruption of your configuration folder. Here is a link with the instructions for this:


Please post back and let us know if you continue to have problems with this so we can look into the issue further with you.

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worked but did something else

I did as you suggested and did the delete of the Mac.dat file 2 times, then I tried again using CSS Form Builder to do the edit of the form with the directions for editing an existing form. This time it worked and I did not get any errors, as before.

BUT, the form layout was would need a lot of editing to get it back to the way I had it working before. So I took a different tactic for adding only a Captcha to my existiing form.

Using CSS Form Builder, this time I opened the form page in DW. I put my cursor below and just outside of the existing form. I then used Form Builder to create a new form which was only a Security group.

Then I opened the new form with the Captcha and took out only the <ul>to</ul> (not taking the HTML for the new form). Then I pasted the Captcha code into the existing first form just above the submit button. I changed a couple of form item references, tested and it works.

This was much easier since I did not have to do any layout corrections to my existing working.

Take a look at reg.php

Thanks for you help on fixing the issue in DW.

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Eric Mittman

Good technique, it looks like it is working well within the form this way. I did notice something though when I visited your page, it seems that the hover state in your menu uses a larger font that increases the size of the menu element but only while you are hovering over it. This might be as designed but it just caught my attention.

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Nice tecnique but u forgot to validate all the other fields i filled in the captcha and by mistake i clicked the submit and took me to the thankyou page so sorry if you find a mail or a datarecord with NULL values :D

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