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headers already sent error on page

Thread began 5/12/2010 4:42 pm by james276087 | Last modified 5/25/2010 4:37 pm by Jimmy Wu | 4134 views | 16 replies |


headers already sent error on page

I created the contact form and getting email but this error message on contact form.
I did check for SPACE ERROR, but couldn't find it.
I attached the code...thank you

Warning: session_start() [function.session-start]: Cannot send session cache limiter - headers already sent (output started at /virtual/users/e16666-18007/web/portfolio.php:1) in /virtual/users/e16666-18007/web/WA_ValidationToolkit/WAVT_ValidatedForm_PHP.php on line 3

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Jimmy Wu

This would mean that there is code being written to the page before the headers are written to the page. Can you send the WAVT_ValidatedForm_PHP.php page too, so I can see if the error is caused by that page? A better way to attach the files would be to zip the files up and attach them, so I can take a look at them in an editor.

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Hello Jimmy,

I don't know how to zip the file, attached the page PDF file...hope it is ok

thanks again Jimmy

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Hello Jimmy,

You must very busy, i uploaded the file on 5/13.
Hope you get this message and please read my file

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Eric Mittman

I have looked at the uploaded pdf and I do not see an issue with the code in it. I'm not sure if pdf doc would show the issue or not though. I think it would be best to see the original files, if you can post back with both files referenced in the errors I will take a look for you.

To upload the files you will need to have then in a zip archive, you should be able to do this by right clicking on the file and choosing the 'send to zip' selection. You can then open up the zip archive to add other files if needed. Please post back with these so we can take a look, also I just want to confirm that you are getting the form to go to the thank you page and the email is sent correct?

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thank you Eric,

It was first time i Zip the file(thanks), I noticed that i'm getting email but it doesn't redirect to THANK YOU PAGE. And here is the file i attached.
thank you again,

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Eric Mittman

Is this file located in the root of your site? If so you should update the redirect value on lines 30 and 31, you can just enter the thank you page here if all the files are in the root of the site. If you are getting the email sent then you should also be redirecting to the thank you page. If you continue to have trouble with this update the code on the page that is on line 31, add in a new line and put in an exit like this:

header("Location: /thankyou.php");


I have also saved a new version of this page for you that should get you past the headers already sent error. I saved the page from within DW and made sure that the box for 'include BOM signature' was unchecked. I did not see any white space near line 1 so this was the only other thing that I could think of. Make sure to backup your current version of this page first, then give it a try with this page. Let us know if you continue to have any problems with this.

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thanks again, but having same problem that not redirect to THANK YOU PAGE and having error message but received the email.
It is very easy for me to create the Contact Form now.
so I want to create new Contact Form this site.
Can you tell me how to start new from this site?
Can I delete the CSS Form Builder, WAuniversal email, Wa validationTookid(?) and delete this file and start new page??????

thanks for your patient

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Eric Mittman

That might be a good thing to try, a new page that is setup for this might give you a better result.

To make a new page you can start with a blank page in your site. If you saved the form builder preset you can just reference the one that you saved to apply it to this new page. Once you have applied the CSS Form Builder form to the page you can then add in the Universal Email server behavior. It would be a good idea to give this a try again to see if it resolves the problem you are experiencing. If you get the same result the next time around then it would indicate that something else is going on.

Rather than delete the existing files you are working with you should just save them as backup copies, that way if you needed to get back to them you could. Please post back and let us know the result.

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Originally Said By: Jimmy Wu
  This would mean that there is code being written to the page before the headers are written to the page. Can you send the WAVT_ValidatedForm_PHP.php page too, so I can see if the error is caused by that page? A better way to attach the files would be to zip the files up and attach them, so I can take a look at them in an editor.  

I created the new contact page and still show this error...

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