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Shipping by Region

Thread began 5/11/2010 1:38 am by jon392819 | Last modified 5/12/2010 2:30 pm by Jason Byrnes | 2358 views | 8 replies |


Shipping by Region

Hi Eric,

With your help I have setup custom shipping within an ecart shopping cart for a few carts. Works perfect, user selects a shipping region on the cart, sets a session which is picked up on by some rules. Cart updates instantly and everyone is happy....

You mentioned in a post that it is possible to use ecart to setup custom shipping rules within a powerstore setup.

How do I go about this?

Many thanks Eric


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WA, can you answer this one asap if poss. I am running the display wizard wizard within powerstore but really I am just wasting time. Please rely as soon as poss.



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Jason ByrnesWebAssist

The process is exactly the same in PowerStore.

The same exact eCartCheckoutForm_shipping_country session variable is created when the checkout page posts to the confirm page.

You need to edit the power store eCart object to create the same shipping rules that you created in your other store.

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Thanks Jason

I am using paypal express and at the moment all I have is the cart displaying the paypal logo. There is no confirm page. In the other ecart system, my cart page updates to reflect the shipping when the session is created. I would like to copy this. I have the session and rules in place but see no code to pick up on the shipping.

Should I create a new cart with the display wizard and then run the checkout wizard.

Sorry, I seem to be a tad confused between powerstore and ecart.



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Jason ByrnesWebAssist

in paypal express, the shipping country is not set until the users goes to the paypal site, and returns to the pp_confirm.php page.

Create the same shipping rules using eCart as you had created for your other site, and the shipping will be applied on the pp_confirm.php page.

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ah, super, that works.

my only problem now is the confirm page displays two password fields put no email field.

PayPal Express
Checkout Info is blank

Shipping Info is also blank

What should be happening here? I seem to have a slight problem. I have not tested the system logged in as a registered shopper yet.



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Urgent problem. Spoke to paypal about funds not appearing after what looked like suscessful tests. In the powerstore payment details I entered the api onso created in my clients paypal profile, however, no funds are appearing in his account. Paypal keep telling me they only send money to a users email.

In the powerstore payment details "_api1" has been added to my clients username (email) Could this be the problem?



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Money not appearing in paypal account

Hi Jason,

This is a huge concern for me. Paypal are not been helpful. Tests seem to show all is ok, but the money does not show up. Can you help? Can you confirm where the email of the paypal account holder is stored and how is it passed to paypal. The API username is the nearest thing that I can see and it does display the name of the paypal account on the paypal payment page.

I need to get this sorted asap. All help greatfully receaved.



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Jason ByrnesWebAssist

I have created a support ticket so we can look into this issue further.

To view and edit your support ticket, please log into your support history:

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